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riddles >> easy >> Oblivious Policemen...
(Message started by: Johno-G on Jan 9th, 2003, 3:55am)

Title: Oblivious Policemen...
Post by Johno-G on Jan 9th, 2003, 3:55am
Two policemen are driving the correct way down a one-way street when they notice a driver passing them, going the other way. They do not stop the driver. Why?

Title: Re: Oblivious Policemen...
Post by BNC on Jan 9th, 2003, 4:26am
The driver was walking at the time?

Title: Re: Oblivious Policemen...
Post by Pietro K.C. on Jan 9th, 2003, 8:06am
The driver was driving an ambulance/fire engine/other emergency vehicle?

The driver was sitting in a parked car, and in fact this "passing" was just relative motion?

Title: Re: Oblivious Policemen...
Post by BNC on Jan 9th, 2003, 9:26am
He was passing them on different street, where the direction is right for him?
They were corrupt police people, and he’s a mafia boss?

Title: Re: Oblivious (aka dead) Policemen...
Post by James Fingas on Jan 9th, 2003, 12:57pm
The driver is a mobster and shoots them dead before they can stop him.  :o

Title: Re: Oblivious Policemen...
Post by towr on Jan 9th, 2003, 1:07pm
The government of the country the policemen work in ciculated a memo in the ministry of justice not to bother anymore with such unimportant unlawfull behaviour, which consequently leaked to the press and the whole country is bitching about it..
None the less the policemen still don't do anything about it (or about stolen bicycles, burglaries and anything else they can't find and fine someone for).

(based on a true story)

Title: Re: Oblivious Policemen...
Post by Noke Lieu on Mar 7th, 2004, 7:41pm
A golf club?

Title: Re: Oblivious Policemen...
Post by Chewdog on Mar 7th, 2004, 11:16pm
A [hide]center divider (concrete wall or a flowerbed with plants and/or bushes of some sort) [/hide] may help explain this one since [hide]technically the officers are on a one way street and the other driver (going the opposite direction on the otherside of the center divider) would be on the "same" street.[/hide]

Title: Re: Oblivious Policemen...
Post by rmsgrey on Mar 8th, 2004, 6:49am
::[hide]reversing down a one-way street is legal for a short distance in UK[/hide]::

They're Schumacher fans?

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