Title: no of shortest paths Post by algo_wrencher on Jan 30th, 2007, 9:06pm is it possible to find the number of shortest paths in a graph in time O(V+E)? |
Title: Re: no of shortest paths Post by towr on Jan 31st, 2007, 1:27am Wouldn't that be either V or E (depending whether you consider zerolength paths)? |
Title: Re: no of shortest paths Post by sachinutd on Jan 31st, 2007, 4:03am algo_wrencher Did you mean shortest paths between every pair of nodes or just between two nodes? |
Title: Re: no of shortest paths Post by Grimbal on Jan 31st, 2007, 4:49am If you are looking for the nb of paths between 2 specified nodes and the path length is the number of edges, then it can be done easily. Create arrays giving for each node - dist: the distance from the start - ways: the nb of ways to reach it. - initialize dist to #edges+1, set dist[start]=0 - initialize ways to 0, set ways[start]=1. - create toVisit: a list of edges to visit, add the starting node to it. - for each node v in toVisit (in fifo order): . - if v is the end, ways[v] is the answer. . - for all items w that can be reached from v . - else if dist[w]>dist[v]+1 . - set dist[w] = dist[v] . - set ways[w] = ways[v] . - add w to toVisit . - else if dist[w]= dist[v]+1 . - add ways[w] += ways[v] or something like that. It assumes the neighbours of a node can be found directly. |
Title: Re: no of shortest paths Post by algo_wrencher on Jan 31st, 2007, 8:08am Sorry, you are also given 2 nodes s & t on the graph. Thanks. |
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