Title: Cauchy's Integral Formula and Cayley-Hamilton thm Post by immanuel78 on Aug 27th, 2006, 10:16pm There is another problem that I can't solve. Use Cauchy's Integral Formula to prove Cayley-Hamilton Theorem. Cayley-Hamilton Theorem : Let A be an nxn matrix over C and let f(z)=det(z-A) be a characteristic polynomial of A. Then f(A)=O |
Title: Re: Cauchy's Integral Formula and Cayley-Hamilton Post by Icarus on Aug 28th, 2006, 3:36pm Better make that f(z) = det(zI - A), or else the result is trivial! |
Title: Re: Cauchy's Integral Formula and Cayley-Hamilton Post by immanuel78 on Aug 29th, 2006, 8:45pm If Icarus think as follows, the proof seems to be false. Since f(z)=det(zI-A), f(A)=det(AI-A)=det(O)=0 Because f(z)=det(zI-A) : C -> C is defined but f(A) is defined on the set of square matrices. In other words, f(z) and f(A) are actually different functions. |
Title: Re: Cauchy's Integral Formula and Cayley-Hamilton Post by Sameer on Aug 29th, 2006, 9:48pm zI is right.. z in this case is a complex number and zI is a complex matrix defined over CxC. A is a subset of CxC which is required to define the function.. zI - A in this case will be z - a11 - a12 .... - a1n - a21 z - a22 .... - a2n .. - an1 - an2 .... z - ann Determinant of this will be f(z). Cayley Hamilton theorem simply says that A wil satisfy its own characterictic equation... (Above a1..n 1..n can be real or complex numbers) |
Title: Re: Cauchy's Integral Formula and Cayley-Hamilton Post by pex on Aug 30th, 2006, 12:20am on 08/29/06 at 21:48:04, Sameer wrote:
Funny identity matrix you've got there... ;) Code:
Title: Re: Cauchy's Integral Formula and Cayley-Hamilton Post by pex on Aug 30th, 2006, 12:35am on 08/29/06 at 20:45:20, immanuel78 wrote:
The definition is rather dirty. f(A) is not supposed to be det(AI - A) (which would make the theorem trivial). Instead, it is what you get when you find the characteristic polynomial f(z) and then substitute A for z. Small example: let A = 1 2 3 4. Then f(z) = det(zI - A) = (z-1)(z-4) - (-2)*(-3) = z2 - 5z - 2. The Cayley-Hamilton Theorem now states that A2 - 5A - 2I = O, which is, indeed, true. |
Title: Re: Cauchy's Integral Formula and Cayley-Hamilton Post by Sameer on Aug 30th, 2006, 10:35am on 08/30/06 at 00:20:11, pex wrote:
Yes, sorry I wrote this late at night and then when I woke up I realised I did this wrong and came here to correct this mistake before it was too late.. i see i was too late ;) [edit] Corrected the matrix [/edit] |
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