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Topic: Wonderful Weather (Read 2882 times) |

Ask any questions ( If you need them ) and I may answer yes, no, or irrelevant. A ship sank in perfect weather conditions. If the weather had been worse, the ship would probably not have sunk. What happened?
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Noke Lieu
 pen... paper... let's go! (and bit of plastic)
Posts: 1884
Re: Wonderful Weather
« Reply #1 on: Mar 7th, 2005, 3:29pm » |
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they scuttled it. heavy weather means they might have been hampered in their escape, thus they waited until it was fair... Or it was a submarine. Encroaching on a target. The fair weather meant that they had to submerge to avoid detection. Nasty, mountainous seas would have hindered the target detecting the submarine, and they could stay afloat and shell the ship. (problem witht at one is submarines are boats not ships, I think)
« Last Edit: Mar 7th, 2005, 3:29pm by Noke Lieu » |
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a shade of wit and the art of farce.

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Noke Lieu
 pen... paper... let's go! (and bit of plastic)
Posts: 1884
Re: Wonderful Weather
« Reply #3 on: Mar 7th, 2005, 4:55pm » |
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WEll, that's not much to go on. It rings a bell, but before I search- so count me out after this- What about it being a ship in bottle? You'll probably have to wait for Europe to wake up before there's a big response to this mate. But keep with us- it's nice
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a shade of wit and the art of farce.

It's a big ship in the ocean. Remember to ask questions. I can only answer yes, no, or irrelevant. Going a off topic here, you may of notices to changes in my name. Everytime I post I try to put my name as the original " BamaBoys619" but it says that name is already used by another user. Any help?
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Noke Lieu
 pen... paper... let's go! (and bit of plastic)
Posts: 1884
Re: Wonderful Weather
« Reply #5 on: Mar 7th, 2005, 5:35pm » |
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okay, register as a user. That way you get to edit your posts too! and I swear the search function works better when registered... It's easy, painless, hassle free. Only good can come of it.
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a shade of wit and the art of farce.

Posts: 1732
Re: Wonderful Weather
« Reply #7 on: Mar 8th, 2005, 5:21am » |
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Would you say the crew functioned as they should have?
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How about supercalifragilisticexpialidociouspuzzler [Towr, 2007]

Posts: 7
Re: Wonderful Weather
« Reply #8 on: Mar 8th, 2005, 9:56am » |
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Was the ship used as target practice for aircraft?
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Was the ship sank on purpose? No. Would you say the crew functioned as they should have? Yes. Was the ship used as target practice for aircraft? No.
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Posts: 104
Re: Wonderful Weather
« Reply #10 on: Mar 9th, 2005, 2:34pm » |
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I think I know. But the hide tags arent working, and I think even an obscure hint would be obvious. BamaBoys - one of your last 3 answers could be considered controversial.
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BamaBoys - one of your last 3 answers could be considered controversial. Thank you for pointing that out. I looked at them for a while and assumed you mean this one: Would you say the crew functioned as they should have? Yes. There is no sure way to tell if the crew functioned correctly. However, wether or not they did, it not result in the ship sinking.
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Re: Wonderful Weather
« Reply #12 on: Mar 10th, 2005, 12:48am » |
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Yes, I meant that one.
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Re: Wonderful Weather
« Reply #13 on: Mar 16th, 2005, 3:33pm » |
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on Mar 9th, 2005, 3:29pm, BamaBoys wrote:There is no sure way to tell if the crew functioned correctly. However, wether or not they did, it not result in the ship sinking. |
| OK. That answer doesnt fit with the solution I have in mind. Could be we have different ideas about the correct functioning of a ship's crew. I'm going to hazard a guess that we agree part of the crew's job is to avoid the ship sinking. So how about if I ask you the YES/NO question: "Could the crew have done anything which would have prevented the sinking?"
« Last Edit: Mar 16th, 2005, 3:34pm by Padzok » |
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wu::riddles Moderator Uberpuzzler
 Boldly going where even angels fear to tread.
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Re: Wonderful Weather
« Reply #14 on: Mar 16th, 2005, 4:09pm » |
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Was this doomed ship named "Endurance", perhaps?
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"Pi goes on and on and on ... And e is just as cursed. I wonder: Which is larger When their digits are reversed? " - Anonymous

"Could the crew have done anything which would have prevented the sinking?" No. Was this doomed ship named "Endurance", perhaps? No.
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Re: Wonderful Weather
« Reply #16 on: Mar 17th, 2005, 12:02am » |
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on Mar 16th, 2005, 5:05pm, BamaBoys wrote: "Could the crew have done anything which would have prevented the sinking?" No. |
| Aah! OK. That means my guess is wrong. (I think). Just to check. Would the ship have been travelling more slowly if the weather had been bad? If the ship had been travelling more slowly, then would it still have sunk?
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Posts: 1732
Re: Wonderful Weather
« Reply #17 on: Mar 17th, 2005, 4:36pm » |
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Some somewhat-unrelated questions: Does "worse weather" mean colder? Does it mean storm? Was it a passenger ship? A war ship? Were there people on board? Was the crew on board?
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How about supercalifragilisticexpialidociouspuzzler [Towr, 2007]
Sjoerd Job Postmus
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Re: Wonderful Weather
« Reply #18 on: Mar 18th, 2005, 4:07am » |
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Might I make the educated titanic guess? I think it would be safe to say that they would've chosen to not go ice-berg-scraping in stormy weather. In other words, they would've avoided the ice-bergs at all cost, staying far away. Therefor, not hitting the iceberg, and not sinking. Am I right?
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wu::riddles Moderator Uberpuzzler

Posts: 7527
Re: Wonderful Weather
« Reply #19 on: Mar 18th, 2005, 5:00am » |
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If the weather had been worse (i.r. colder), the sea would have frozen and the ship would not have sunk.
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Posts: 104
Re: Wonderful Weather
« Reply #20 on: Mar 18th, 2005, 12:38pm » |
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Since somebody's already said it, I may as well add that Titanic was my guess too. The night was very clear and calm, I believe, and so the ship sailed at full speed. They thought visibility was good. If it had been foggy, or stormy, or rainy then they would have sailed more slowly. I guess it's debatable whether or not the crew were at fault. After the collision, there was nothing they could do. The main issue is that they were warned that there were icebergs in the area, but took no notice because they believed they were too far South to be affected (and presumably thought that they would see any in good time to manoeuvre). That could be considered a mistake by some people.
« Last Edit: Mar 18th, 2005, 12:43pm by Padzok » |
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wu::riddles Moderator Uberpuzzler
 Boldly going where even angels fear to tread.
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Re: Wonderful Weather
« Reply #21 on: Mar 18th, 2005, 2:59pm » |
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Actually, I think the Endurance is a much better guess. It did not sink until good weather returned, fitting the clue quite well in my opinion... If you don't know the what ship the Endurance was, you might want to look it up before discounting it.
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"Pi goes on and on and on ... And e is just as cursed. I wonder: Which is larger When their digits are reversed? " - Anonymous
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Posts: 104
Re: Wonderful Weather
« Reply #22 on: Mar 18th, 2005, 3:08pm » |
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on Mar 18th, 2005, 2:59pm, Icarus wrote:Actually, I think the Endurance is a much better guess. It did not sink until good weather returned, fitting the clue quite well in my opinion... If you don't know the what ship the Endurance was, you might want to look it up before discounting it. |
| ... yes, but the fact that the questioner said it is the wrong answer would be the main stumbling block with that one ...
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Sjoerd Job Postmus and Padzok got the answer. It was Titanic. If the weather had been worse, the lookouts would have seen waves hitting the iceberg or heard the iceberg ( icebergs make groaning noises when they move )
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wu::riddles Moderator Uberpuzzler
 Boldly going where even angels fear to tread.
Posts: 4863
Re: Wonderful Weather
« Reply #24 on: Mar 19th, 2005, 2:22pm » |
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Bah... For those who don't know (probably the vast majority), Endurance was the ship of Antartic explorer Robert Shackleton. Endurance became trapped in the ice, and the crew were stranded through the Antartic winter. When warmer weather returned, the shifting, grinding ice broke the ship, and, since the ice was no longer supporting it, it sank. This led to one of the most harrowing survival stories in history, in which Shackleton overcame tremendous odds to rescue his entire crew. While Titanic may have been the intended answer, I like mine better, as the cause of the sinking was the return of good weather. With the Titanic, it had far more to do with overwheening arrogance, and a complete failure to take adequate precautions. As for persisting with my guess after BamaBoys rejected it, I suspect it likely that BamaBoys was not familiar with the reference. The question was not "What ship was it", but rather "what happened". Endurance is not the only ship to sink after being trapped in the ice, so I suspected he was referring to the general phenomenon, rather than the specific ship I was using as an example.
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"Pi goes on and on and on ... And e is just as cursed. I wonder: Which is larger When their digits are reversed? " - Anonymous