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   Cutting an arm???
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   Author  Topic: Cutting an arm???  (Read 6804 times)
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Cutting an arm???  
« on: Dec 10th, 2003, 10:20am »
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Okay, I need help with this one. A friend of mine told it to me when we were on holidays, but she couldn't tell me the answer. It's a little odd.  
A man(Tim) was waiting in front of his house when 4 men came. They drank a whiskey at his place, sat in the car(including the one who was waiting) and drove to the doctor. The doctor cut Tim's right arm. They drank a whiskey again and then drove to the shore and threw the arm into the sea!
What happened?
I don't get it! It's the most unusual riddle I have ever seen!  Huh
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Re: Cutting an arm???  
« Reply #1 on: Dec 10th, 2003, 12:32pm »
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A quick run through of imagination gives me one possibility,
Tim might have got his right arm stuck into something( somewhere in front of his house ) and couldn't help himself out. He knew that his 4 frns were to come and hence waited for them to arrive and rescue him. They did arrive and rescue him and just to make the environ a bit comfy , they opted to have a bit of whisky. Soon they realised that Tim's arm was swelling (usually happens during dislocated or broken bones). They rushed him to the doctor who realised that the arm was damaged and must be amputated. He amputated the arm , then all of them had some whisky and they threw the arm into sea for good luck.
Ok the last part did not turn out that good Tongue
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Re: Cutting an arm???  
« Reply #2 on: Dec 10th, 2003, 12:41pm »
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Are you sure Tim is a man?
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Re: Cutting an arm???  
« Reply #3 on: Dec 11th, 2003, 5:24am »
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Yes, Tim is a man. It's not important how old is he.  
T.R., I like your answer, but the last part really doesn't fit.  
A man who would throw his amputated arm into the sea for good luck is nuts. He needs help.
I think the doctor had his office in his house and was a friend of the unlucky man.  
Oh I hate this riddle so much Angry
« Last Edit: Dec 11th, 2003, 5:27am by DeMark » IP Logged
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Re: Cutting an arm???  
« Reply #4 on: Dec 11th, 2003, 5:30am »
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I remembered a few more things:  
1. It was important that they threw the arm into the sea. Huh
2. It is also important that they went to the friend-doctor  
   with the home-surgery. But I don't know why.
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Re: Cutting an arm???  
« Reply #5 on: Dec 11th, 2003, 6:06am »
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I think the arm the doctor cut was a different one than the one they threw in the sea, I would guess the latter was ::his fire arm, i.e. gun.  
I think he was in a fire fight and got shot in the arm. He couldn't go to a hospital since they are required to call the police when they treat a gunshot wound. So they went to a friend doctor which got the bullet out. After the operation they went to the sea to get rid of the evidence (the fire arm).
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Re: Cutting an arm???  
« Reply #6 on: Dec 11th, 2003, 1:12pm »
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There are variations of this one around, and the answer is as odd as the puzzle. As I know the answer to this one, ask me questions in the usual, "what happended" style, and we'll work it out...
Unless, of course, you just want to know the answer?  Roll Eyes
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Re: Cutting an arm???  
« Reply #7 on: Dec 11th, 2003, 10:55pm »
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@Sir Col
Some First Investigation Report questions,
1.Who was Tim?
2.Where did he live?
3.What was his profession?
4.Why was he waiting in front of his house?Why did not he wait inside his house?
5.What all things did Tim have when he was waiting?
6.Who were the four men?Were they Tim's friends or relatives or someone else?
7.What were their profession?
8.The whisky they drank in the house, was it poisoned?
9.Was the doctor a friend of Tim or just a general doctor?
10.Does Tim live around a locale with a beach?? if not how long is the nearest beach from the doctor's place and from Tim's place?
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Self discovery comes when a man measures himself against an obstacle - Antoine de Saint Exupery
Sir Col

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Re: Cutting an arm???  
« Reply #8 on: Dec 12th, 2003, 12:34am »
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Usually we can only answer: yes, no, or irrelevant, in these types of puzzles, but I'll do my bestest...
1.Who was Tim?
2.Where did he live?
3.What was his profession?
Very relevant
4.Why was he waiting in front of his house?Why did not he wait inside his house?
5.What all things did Tim have when he was waiting?  
6.Who were the four men?Were they Tim's friends or relatives or someone else?  
Yes (friends)
7.What were their profession?  
Kind of relevant
8.The whisky they drank in the house, was it poisoned?  
9.Was the doctor a friend of Tim or just a general doctor?  
This fact, which DeMark said is important, is not that important really, but... he would probably have to be a friend doctor if he was to perform an 'unnecessary' amputation.  Wink
10.Does Tim live around a locale with a beach?? if not how long is the nearest beach from the doctor's place and from Tim's place?
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Re: Cutting an arm???  
« Reply #9 on: Dec 12th, 2003, 8:23am »
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Some more questions,
11.Was Tim ,member of some gang?  
12.Were the four men also the member of some gang?
Unnecessary amputation  Huh will have to think abt this.
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Self discovery comes when a man measures himself against an obstacle - Antoine de Saint Exupery


Re: Cutting an arm???  
« Reply #10 on: Dec 12th, 2003, 11:37am »
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Hy, it's DeMark from another computer. I didn't learn my password by heart.  Tongue
It wasn't a fire arm, because I translated the riddle from Croatian. In Croatian we don't use the phrase "fire arm".
I want the answer! I got crazy about it! Hide it if you want!
Give me an answer!  Angry
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Sir Col

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Re: Cutting an arm???  
« Reply #11 on: Dec 13th, 2003, 1:57pm »
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The usual answer goes something like...
The five men served together on a ship in World War II. The ship was hit and began sinking, so they abandoned ship and they all found themsevles together in a life boat. After drifting for many days without rescue and with depleted supplies, they were forced to turn to one another for food. One of the men was the ship's doctor and offered to perform amputations of arms, but because of need of his skills he would be excluded from any drawing of lots and he would not lose any limbs. The agreement he made was that if they survived, and when he retired from practicing medicine, he would have his arm removed as a sign of respect and appreciation for their sacrifice in desperate times.
All of the other men lost an arm each before they were rescued, and true to his word, many years later, he had his own own removed by another doctor. As dying of hunger was no longer an issue, the most fitting place for the severed limb would, of course, be the sea.
The variation I remember hearing as a boy was about a man drinking his sorrows away at a bar. An elderly gentleman attempting to console the man discovered that the man was in desperate need of cash, so much so that he would willingly give his right arm. The elderly gentleman explained that he used to be a doctor (just retired) and offered to give the man cash for his arm. Out of desperation the young man agreed, the arm was removed, and it was sent off on a plane to be met by three one armed men. They inspected the contents of the container, drove out into the middle of the desert and buried the arm.
In this version, the men had found themselves in the desert many years ago and a similar agreement was struck.
I hope that puts you out of your misery.
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Re: Cutting an arm???  
« Reply #12 on: Dec 15th, 2003, 3:13am »
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