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   What Will Happen
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   Author  Topic: What Will Happen  (Read 988 times)


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What Will Happen  
« on: May 12th, 2003, 2:26pm »
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I have a Real riddle for you all:
Two men are in love with me, and I am perplexed.
How do I choose between them?  
I have to make a choice.
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wu::riddles Moderator

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Re: What Will Happen  
« Reply #1 on: May 12th, 2003, 3:19pm »
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Choose the one you like, duh :p
If you like neither, choose neither.
If you like both, choose the richest Wink
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wu::riddles Moderator

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Re: What Will Happen  
« Reply #2 on: May 12th, 2003, 6:29pm »
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This is my take.
Look closely at them: are they really in love with you, or are they in love with themselves?
If they are truly in love with you, then their first priority is making you happy - even when it is something they dislike. If they are in love with themselves, then they only want to be with you because that makes them happy. They will only do things they don't enjoy because the alternative is losing you.
So give them the test. Set them up for something they don't want to do, and see which one more readily agrees. If they both go along, it doesn't matter which one you pick - you'll be alright. If neither does, you're much better off without them, no matter how much you love either one.
On the other hand..., if your first priority is your own happiness, pick the lover of himself. Relationships where both sides are more concerned with themselves than the other are common and the couple often find some happiness, if no real joy. Relationships where one loves the other, and the other loves him or her self, are a recipe for misery for both people.
One last bit: That's the ideal - the truth is everyone loves themselves (even those that also loathe themselves), so don't expect perfection - you won't find it.
And sorry for telling you stuff you already know. I usually find it better to say it all and let people pick out of it what they can use, than try to guess what someone might never have thought or heard of.
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"Pi goes on and on and on ...
And e is just as cursed.
I wonder: Which is larger
When their digits are reversed? " - Anonymous


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Posts: 23
Re: What Will Happen  
« Reply #3 on: May 22nd, 2003, 9:25pm »
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I was hoping my first post would be an answer to some geeky math problem, but for this challenge I must invoke Solomon's wisdom.  Tell both men that they must share you.  Four possibilities:
A - Yes, B - Yes: You win, you now have two guys.
A - No, B - Yes: Take B.
A - Yes, B - No: Take A.
A - No, B - No: Start looking for C.  There is an algorithm somewhere on this site for how to choose a mate.
 Smiley Smiley
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James Fingas


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Re: What Will Happen  
« Reply #4 on: Jun 10th, 2003, 10:46am »
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I think it's important to know what you are choosing for. The answer may depend on what you will do with your "chosen one" once he is chosen.
-Are you choosing your life-long partner? Choose somebody who shares your ideals and dreams.
-Are you choosing a person to date? Choose somebody who seems fun and sparks your interest.
-Are you choosing a guy for the prom? Pick the cute one.
See what I'm getting at?
BTW, I agree with towr: it's not about how much they love you, it's about how much you love them. Don't pick any old loser who's fallen in love with you! Case in point: there were at least two people (besides me) infatuated with my wife when she was in high school. But she didn't like them, so she made sure not to give them any ideas...
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