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   Det of sum of permutation matrices
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   Author  Topic: Det of sum of permutation matrices  (Read 6299 times)
wu::riddles Moderator


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Det of sum of permutation matrices  
« on: Sep 3rd, 2009, 4:04pm »
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Let P,Q be n x n permutation matrices, chosen uniformly at random.
What is the probability that det(P+Q) 0?
The expected value of det(P+Q) is 0, but what about |det(P+Q)|?  det(P+Q)2?
« Last Edit: Sep 10th, 2009, 5:37pm by Eigenray » IP Logged
wu::riddles Moderator


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Re: Det of sum of permutation matrices  
« Reply #1 on: Sep 9th, 2009, 9:17pm »
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Maybe a good place to start: what is the characteristic polynomial of a permutation matrix?
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william wu
wu::riddles Administrator


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Re: Det of sum of permutation matrices  
« Reply #2 on: Sep 13th, 2009, 3:48am »
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Some initial thoughts:
Suppose we have a permutation in S_n that is a single cycle of length k. Then the permutation fixes n-k indices and rotates the rest. Let fix() denote the indices that are fixed, and let move() denote the rest.
Case I:
Now considering the permutation in matrix form, each j fix() corresponds to an eigenvector with eigenvalue 1, where the eigenvector is a canonical basis vector containing all zeros except for a one in the jth slot.
Case II:
Each of the kth roots of unity are also eigenvalues for , each corresponding to an eigenvector with complex roots of unity at the indices in move(), and zeroes at the indices in fix().    
The eigenvectors we found in Case II are linearly independent since they each correspond to different (complex) eigenvalues.
The eigenvectors we found in Case I are clearly linearly independent since they have disjoint supports.
And any eigenvector from Case I is linearly independent of an eigenvector from Case II since they have disjoint supports as well.
Thus we have found a full set of n linearly independent eigenvectors. So the algebraic multiplicity for any eigenvalue must match its geometric multiplicity (which is generally just a lower bound).  
Thus we have found all the eigenvalues:  
- the kth roots of unity, and
- n-k extra copies of 1 (I say extra since 1 is also a kth root of unity)
Since the characteristic polynomial is the monic polynomial whose roots are the eigenvalues, it follows that the characteristic polynomial for a single k-cycle is:  
(s^k-1) (s-1)^(n-k).
« Last Edit: Sep 13th, 2009, 3:49am by william wu » IP Logged

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william wu
wu::riddles Administrator


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Re: Det of sum of permutation matrices  
« Reply #3 on: Sep 13th, 2009, 4:13am »
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Continuing this train of thought ...

We can write a permutation as a product of disjoint cycles = _1 _2 _m, and apply the same arguments to each cycle, constructing eigenvectors with disjoint supports for each.

So the characteristic polynomial for a general permutation should be of the form

_ (sL() - 1)

where runs through each of the disjoint cycles -- including cycles of length 1 which correspond to the fixed points -- and L(k) is the length of that cycle.

Still haven't done anything random yet. Also P+Q isn't a permutation matrix. Hm ....  Huh
« Last Edit: Sep 13th, 2009, 2:49pm by william wu » IP Logged

[ wu ] : http://wuriddles.com / http://forums.wuriddles.com
Michael Dagg
Senior Riddler


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Re: Det of sum of permutation matrices  
« Reply #4 on: Sep 13th, 2009, 10:05am »
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Here's another idea:
det(P+Q) = +- det( R - (-1)I )  where  R = Q^(-1) P  and the
+- sign is det(Q). I write it with the "(-1)I" to stress that
this det is the value of the characteristic polynomial of  R
at  -1 .
We can reorder the  n  basis elements of  R^n  (the ones that R
permutes) according to the cycle decomposition of  R; this
makes it clear that  R  is a block sum of cyclic permutations,
and so the characteristic polynomial of  R  is a product
\prod (T^{n_i} - 1),  where the  n_i  are the sizes of
the cycles. So  det(R - (-1)I)  is  0  unless all  n_i  
are odd, in which case it's  (-2)^N,  where  N  is the
number of cycles.
Thus we have a group-theoretic understanding of  det(P+Q):
it's  0  if  Q^{-1}P  has an orbit of even length,
and otherwise is  det(Q) * (-2)^N  where  N  is the
number of orbits of  Q^{-1}P.
Now, there is a one-to-one correspondence between the
pairs  (P,Q)  and  (Q,R)  (namely,  P = Q R ) so in
the probability computations above, we can just select
R  uniformly at random from  S_n  and assume  det(Q)=-1
exactly half of the time. (That makes it clear that the
expected value of  det(P+Q)  will be zero!)
> What is the probability that  det(P+Q) =/= 0 ?
It is the probability that  R  have all its cycles of
odd length. That must be some well-known partition
problem, but I don't know an elegant expression for it.
For example, when n=6, the cycles would have to be of
lengths 5+1, 3+3, 3+1+1+1, or 1^6. I get that there are  
144 of the first type, 40 of the second, 40 of the next,  
and 1 of the last: 225 of the 720 permutations qualify,  
so the answer to this question when n=6 is 225/720.
> The expected value of det(P+Q) is 0, but what is the expected
> value of |det(P+Q)|  ?  ( det(P+Q) )^2  ?
This time instead of just counting the all-odd permutations,
we need to add  2^N  resp  4^N  for each. Taking again the
case  n=6  I get the values  144*4 + 40*4 + 40*16 + 1*64 = 1440
and  144*4^2 + 40*4^2 + 40*16^2 + 1*64^2 = 17280  respectively,
making expected values of  2  and  24  respectively.  I didn't
expect whole numbers. There must be a trick!
« Last Edit: Sep 13th, 2009, 10:07am by Michael Dagg » IP Logged

Michael Dagg
wu::riddles Moderator


Gender: male
Posts: 1948
Re: Det of sum of permutation matrices  
« Reply #5 on: Sep 13th, 2009, 12:01pm »
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All three problems have elegant answers (I was rather surprised myself), but I don't know elegant derivations for any of them.  I solved each by finding the pattern and proving it satisfies the right recurrence.  The first problem might be the hardest, but at the same time I suspect there must be a simple proof because it is a pretty basic question: how many elements of Sn have odd order?
We can also find recurrences for questions like:
What is the probability det(P+iQ)  0?
Given P,Q have no entries in common, what is the probability det(P+Q)  0?
But I don't think the answers to these have simple forms.
I was hoping for a simple form for E(|det(P+Q)|n), because it starts out simple enough, but it appears to be a polynomial of degree 2n-1-1.
Anyway, as to the source of this problem, I was skimming through a linear algebra book (Gilbert Strang) and it had the problem: if P is even and Q is odd, then det(P+Q)=0.  The suggested proof was to just use P+Q = P(Pt+Qt)Q, but I started wondering about the converse, that is, exactly when is det(P+Q)=0?
« Last Edit: Sep 13th, 2009, 12:41pm by Eigenray » IP Logged
wu::riddles Moderator


Gender: male
Posts: 1948
Re: Det of sum of permutation matrices  
« Reply #6 on: Sep 13th, 2009, 12:54pm »
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on Sep 13th, 2009, 10:05am, Michael Dagg wrote:

So  det(R - (-1)I)  is  0  unless all  n_i  
are odd, in which case it's  (-2)^N,  where  N  is the
number of cycles.

Actually you need to multiply by (-1)n to use the monic characteristic polynomial.  And if all cycles are odd, then n = N mod 2, so the sign goes away: det(I + P) is either 0 or a power of 2.
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Michael Dagg
Senior Riddler


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Posts: 500
Re: Det of sum of permutation matrices  
« Reply #7 on: Sep 13th, 2009, 3:16pm »
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You're right.
> how many elements of S_n have odd order?
Yeah, it's a basic question, but it doesn't have an
answer that's described more easily than the question.
I did the computations for n up to 8, then searched the
OEIS, so I can give you as much information as is known
about those numbers:
In particular, one of their formulas presents the probability
that you asked about as
  C(n-1, [(n-1)/2]) / 2^(n-1)
that is, it's the central binomial coefficient, divided by
the corresponding power of  2.
By Stirling's approximation, that probability then comes
out to something like  1/sqrt( pi/2 * n ) .
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Michael Dagg
wu::riddles Moderator


Gender: male
Posts: 1948
Re: Det of sum of permutation matrices  
« Reply #8 on: Sep 13th, 2009, 5:14pm »
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Yes.  I was able to show it using the recurrence:
pn = 1/n (pn-1 + pn-3 + pn-5 + ... ),
p0 = p1 = 1,
where pn is the probability a permutation is odd.
But it was rather ugly: basically I used
(1-x)-1/2 = bn xn,
where bn = C(2n,n)/4n, and then multiplied both sides by
(1-x)-1 = 1 + x + x2 + ...,
and used the fact that C(-1/2, n) = C(-3/2, n) / (2n+1) to get
bn = 1/(2n) (b0+b1+...+bn-1),
and from there concluded that pn = bm = C(2m,m)/4m, where m = n/2 .
But now I see that we can rewrite the recurrence as
npn = pn-1 + (n-2)pn-2,
and from there the verification is simpler.
A bit of Googling turns up a nice proof using Joyal's theory of species.
Basically, for a given structure A, let an be the number of ways to put structure A on a set of n (labeled) points, and let A(x) be the exponential generating function A(x) = an xn/n!.  Then there are combinatorial interpretations of, for example, the product and exponentiation (and more generally, composition) of e.g.f.s.
In the product C(x) = A(x)B(x) = cn xn/n!, cn counts the number of ways to split a set into two pieces, put structure A on the first piece, and B on the second.  For example, let be the structure of permutations: (x) = 1/(1-x).  Let S be the structure of set: S(x) = ex.  Let D be the structure of derangements.  Any permutation can be considered as a set of fixed points together with a derangement on the rest: (x) = S(x) D(x), so we get effortlessly: D(x) = e-x/(1-x).
If we want to split a set into a set of pieces, and put structure A on each piece, the result is (assuming a0=0, i.e., we use non-empty pieces):  
1 + A(x) + A(x)2/2! + A(x)3/3! + ... = exp(A(x)).
For example, the structure C of cycles has cn = (n-1)!, so C(x) = -log(1-x), and a permutation is the same as splitting a set into cycles : (x) = 1/(1-x) = exp(-log(1-x)) = exp(C(x)).  Another example: partitioning a set is the same as breaking it up into non-empty sets.  Non-empty sets has egf ex-1, so partitions has egf exp(ex-1).
To apply this to the current problem: let an be the number of permutations of odd order.  Then A(x) = exp(Co(x)), where Co is the structure of odd length cycles.  Clearly Co is the 'odd part' of C:
Co(x) = 1/2 [ C(x) - C(-x) ] = 1/2 log[ (1+x)/(1-x) ],
and so
A(x) = [(1-x)/(1+x)]1/2 = (1+x) (1-x2)-1/2,
so it follows an = C(2m,m)/4m, the coefficient of xm in (1-x)-1/2, where m = n/2 .
« Last Edit: Sep 13th, 2009, 5:18pm by Eigenray » IP Logged
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