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Topic: Extending Euler's Theorem (Read 1594 times) |
wu::riddles Moderator Uberpuzzler

Posts: 2084
Extending Euler's Theorem
« on: Oct 10th, 2007, 10:53am » |
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Not so much a puzzle as a question, I guess: After my stumbling in this thread I've done a bit more experimenting and feel reasonably confident in the following two claims: 1) For all a , m there exists some least nonnegative t such that a (m) + t at (mod m), where (m) is Euler's Totient Function. 2) If and only if GCD(a, m) = 1 then t = 0 (Euler's Theorem); otherwise t = max( Mi/Ai ), where for prime factors p1, p2, ..., pn common to a and m, Mi is the multiplicity of pi in m and Ai is the multiplicity of pi in a. I have empirical evidence that no violation of those claims exists for 1 m 2,500 25,000 80,000 250,000, and an intuitive feel for why they should be true, but no proof of either claim; nor have I been able to find a reference one way or the other. I'm wondering a) if this is a (well) known (or trivial) result that I'm just unable to find, and b) if anyone here has a proof (or, more interesting, a disproof). --SMQ
« Last Edit: Oct 11th, 2007, 11:23am by SMQ » |
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Posts: 2276
Re: Extending Euler's Theorem
« Reply #1 on: Oct 15th, 2007, 9:02am » |
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Interesting. I think your conjectures are true. Here is an analysis of an important special case which may be hopefully converted to a full proof. Let gcd(a, m) be a power of a prime p. That is, a = rpi, m = spj, r, s, p are relatively prime. Let further d = (s). Then, (rpi)d+1 = rpi mod s. That is, (rpi)d+1 - rpi = qs. Since p doesn’t divide s, it follows pi | q, and thus (rpi)d+1 = rpi mod spi. Note also that pi+1 doesn’t divide q (otherwise p divides r, which is impossible). If j i, we are done. Otherwise, (rpi)u(rpi)d+1 = rpu+1 mod spj, where u is the least integer such that ui j – i. But this is exactly the condition stated by SMQ in the second claim. Finally, because d | (a), the first statement also follows.
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Pietro K.C.
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Posts: 213
Re: Extending Euler's Theorem
« Reply #2 on: Oct 17th, 2007, 12:21am » |
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That is an extremely interesting question. Given a finite set S with a binary operation * defined on it, the "powers" of any given element s in S, ie s, s˛, sł, ... must eventually repeat some value. If sk is the first such repeated value, and sk+T the second occurrence, then the powers go around in a circle of size T thereafter: sk <-- ... <-- sł <-- s˛ <-- s / \ \ _ / SMQ's question may thus be read as follows: is (m) big enough to get out of the linear part above, and reach the loop? (If a power is in the loop, then there trivially exists your least t, since the natural numbers are well-ordered.) The answer is yes. Let m=pr, and a=psb, with p a prime number and b coprime with p. It is trivial to check that, for integer k, s>0 and k > r/s ---> ak=0 (mod m); Also, for s>0, (m) = pr-1(p-1) >= 2r-1 >= r >= r/s. This means that, unless p does not divide a, the "going to zero" tendency outruns the "repeat in a cycle" tendency: the only repeated value is 0. Now all we need is Chinese Remainder to glue the local results together. Break down a given m into its prime power factors, recall that is multiplicative across relatively prime numbers, and reason as follows. For each factor pr of m, either (i) p divides a, and, as we saw, (pr) is a big enough power to reach 0 in the (mod pr)-loop, whence a (m) = 0 (mod pr); (ii) p does not divide a, and the latter is therefore already in the loop of its generated subgroup in the multiplicative group of integers prime to pr. Therefore, a (m) is in the (mod m)-loop of powers of a. As regards a specific value for t=T, it is easy from the above to see what is "really" going on: modulo primes in m not dividing a, the equation a (m)+t = at is true for every t; what is needed is some t high enough that at will be zero modulo those other primes. SMQ's formula is thus correct.
« Last Edit: Oct 17th, 2007, 12:23am by Pietro K.C. » |
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"I always wondered about the meaning of life. So I looked it up in the dictionary under 'L' and there it was --- the meaning of life. It was not what I expected." (Dogbert)
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Posts: 57
Re: Extending Euler's Theorem
« Reply #3 on: Nov 7th, 2007, 1:27am » |
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Here is my proof: let m = (p_1^M_1)*...*(p_s^M_s), then a^(\phi(m)+t)=a^t (mod m) is equivalent to a^t * [a^\phi(m)-1] = 0 (mod p_i^M_i), for any 1<= i <=s. if (p_i, a)=1, since \phi(m) is a multiple of \phi(p_i^M_i), so [a^\phi(m) -1] = 0 (mod p_i^M_i) and the above equation holds forever; if (p_i, a)>1, say the power index of p_i in a is A_i, then we must have a^t = 0 (mod p_i^M_i). so we get : t*A_i >= M_i. To conclude, we must have t >= max( ceil(M_i/A_i) ). done.
« Last Edit: Nov 7th, 2007, 1:31am by cuckoo » |
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