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   When A = B^k
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   Author  Topic: When A = B^k  (Read 782 times)


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Posts: 2276
When A = B^k  
« on: Mar 5th, 2004, 5:59am »
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Given two numbers A, B [in] [bbn]. Prove that the following statements are equivalent:
1. For every n [in] [bbn], (Bn-1) | (An-1).
2. A = Bk for some k [in] [bbn].
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Pietro K.C.
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Re: When A = B^k  
« Reply #1 on: Mar 8th, 2004, 3:23am »
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OK, we have to show that (1) --> (2) and (2) --> (1).
The second part is easy:

If A = Bk, then
An - 1 = Bkn - 1.
Setting X = Bn gives
An - 1      Xk - 1
-------- = --------- = 1 + X + ... + Xk-1 [in] N
Bn - 1       X - 1
for each n [in] N.  

For the first part, I've been able to show that, assuming (1),

if p is a prime and p | A, then p | B.


Suppose p prime such that p | A but not p | B. Then An - 1 is not divisible by p for any n [in] N, while p | Bp-1 - 1. Therefore,
Ap-1 - 1
---------  [notin]  N.
Bp-1 - 1

Using this, I've been able to demonstrate the theorem for the restricted case where B is a prime power. It's a fun problem to work on, Barukh!
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"I always wondered about the meaning of life. So I looked it up in the dictionary under 'L' and there it was --- the meaning of life. It was not what I expected." (Dogbert)
Pietro K.C.
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Re: When A = B^k  
« Reply #2 on: Apr 2nd, 2004, 1:18pm »
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No luck yet...  Tongue
Wish I could say it's due to lack of time, but I've worked on it through a few of my more tedious classes - especially Economics for Engineers - and it isn't solved.
Besides what I said in the preceding post, I've come to the following rather weak conclusions (I won't hide them because they're more like lines of attack than solutions):
1. If, given the information that
(*) Bn-1 | An-1 for all n [in] [bbn]
and A > B, we can show that B | A, the theorem will be proved. Because then we'll be able to write
A = qB [bigto] An-1 = qnBn-1 = qnBn-Bn+Bn-1 = Bn(qn-1) + (Bn-1)
and hence
Bn-1 | An-1 [bigto] Bn-1 | Bn(qn-1).
Since gcd(Bn,Bn-1) = 1, this happens iff
Bn-1 | qn-1
and so we're back at the original problem, but now with a smaller number. Applying the hypothetical B | A argument over and over, eventually we'll reach q < B, in which case
B-1 | q-1 [bigleftrightarrow] q = 1.
So we'll have A = B[cdot][cdot][cdot]B[cdot]1 = Bk for some k [in] [bbn] (might be 0).
2. From (*) we gather that, whenever gcd(B,m)=1 for an m [in] [bbn], also gcd(A,m)=1 (prove this). Further, the order of A mod m always divides the order of B mod m. (Define the order to be zero if there is no k [in] [bbn] such that Bk [equiv] 1 (mod m))
I'm not sure what to make of this, but it may be useful. I think only pairs of numbers where one is a power of the other can have this property. Needless to say, a proof of this would amount to a proof of the theorem.
Any takers?
« Last Edit: Apr 2nd, 2004, 6:46pm by Pietro K.C. » IP Logged

"I always wondered about the meaning of life. So I looked it up in the dictionary under 'L' and there it was --- the meaning of life. It was not what I expected." (Dogbert)


Gender: male
Posts: 2276
Re: When A = B^k  
« Reply #3 on: Apr 3rd, 2004, 3:29am »
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Pietro, I am glad you are trying to solve this difficult problem and not give up too easy  Cheesy! Your observations are very good.
If you want to try another approach which leads to the solution I've learned, here are two hints  Wink:
HINT 1: Consider the expression (An-1)/(Bn-1) – (An/Bn + An/B2n + .. + An/Bkn + …), where the last sum runs for all k such that Bkn <= An.
HINT 2: Search for another thread in this section that links the first hint with the solution.
Good luck!
« Last Edit: Apr 3rd, 2004, 3:29am by Barukh » IP Logged


Gender: male
Posts: 2276
Re: When A = B^k  
« Reply #4 on: May 29th, 2004, 10:12am »
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Before this thread is forgotten in obscurity, here’s the solution I know.  
Let M = max {k | Bk [le] A}. Consider the sum S(n) =  [sum]k=1M An/Bkn. Because
S(n) = An(B-n - B-(M+1)n)/(1 - B-n) [ge] (An - B)/(Bn - 1),

(An-1) / (Bn-1)  - S(n) [to] 0 when n [to] [infty]. This is equivalent to { S(n) } [to] 0 when n [to] [infty] ( {} is fractional part ).
Now, the following thread proves the statement about the “integral nature” of a rational r whose powers’ fractional part has a limit 0. This statement may be naturally generalized as follows: if rk[in][bbq] (k=1,…,M) and lim {[sum]rkn} [to] 0 when n [to][infty], then rk[in][bbz]. Now, in S(n), take rk = A/Bk, and the result follows.
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