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   Author  Topic: Hand Game  (Read 1832 times)


Hand Game  
« on: Sep 18th, 2007, 8:35pm »
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Two players A,B engage in a game. A move consists in each showing an open, O, or closed, C, hand. If two O's show, A wins $3; if two C's show, A wins $1; if an O and a C show, B wins $2.
(1) Is there a winning strategy for A? for B?  
(2) If there is one, is it unique?
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Re: Hand Game  
« Reply #1 on: Sep 18th, 2007, 10:36pm »
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A wants them to choose the same, and b wants them to choose opposites. A prefers that the one they both choose is O, which b knows, which a knows b knows. It's paradoxial.
« Last Edit: Sep 18th, 2007, 10:36pm by srn437 » IP Logged

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Re: Hand Game  
« Reply #2 on: Sep 18th, 2007, 10:42pm »
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Does the game go like this? A and B both have hands behind their backs and on count of three they either bring 1 or both of their hands forward either in open or closed position?
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Re: Hand Game  
« Reply #3 on: Sep 18th, 2007, 10:56pm »
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You must know that it does not matter if they use two hands to convey the O or C, but that they convey one or the other.
Perhaps I don't understand your question but you might be thinking of something having to do with symmetry but that has nothing to do with the problem at all.
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wu::riddles Moderator

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Re: Hand Game  
« Reply #4 on: Sep 18th, 2007, 11:31pm »
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It seems like the prisoners dilemma. To win they have to cooperate, but if they cooperate A might benefit from defection. However it seems B is in control: if he gives O, but doesn't get enough C is return from A, he can punish A by only giving Cs (which means A's average is much lower than when A cooperates).
Not quite sure if they would reach a nash equilibrium though. (not enough time to think on it now either)
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Re: Hand Game  
« Reply #5 on: Sep 19th, 2007, 6:36am »
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Oh, I forgot the winning strategy for b. Choosing O limits what a gets, so A would have considered it and chose O, so b would know that and choose A(paradox again).
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Re: Hand Game  
« Reply #6 on: Sep 19th, 2007, 10:52am »
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I haven't gone through all the motions, but it looks like A must select O with probability 1/3.
Isn't this a typical Game Theory question (or Prisoner's Dilemma as towr mentioned)?
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Michael Dagg
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Re: Hand Game  
« Reply #7 on: Sep 19th, 2007, 11:12am »
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One can consider that the payout goes to the opponent which lets
you work with minimums in each case. A has no winning strategy.
B does and that probability lies in (1/3,2/5) and can't be unique but
there seems to be an optimal number in that interval as well.
« Last Edit: Sep 19th, 2007, 11:12am by Michael Dagg » IP Logged

Michael Dagg
Joe Fendel
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Re: Hand Game  
« Reply #8 on: Sep 21st, 2007, 3:10pm »
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I don't think there is any true equilibrium here.  Clearly a strategy must be "mixed", picking open a certain random percentage of the time.  We can first approach the problem by assuming one player decides and announces his mixed strategy before the other chooses.
If A decides first, he will choose open 49.9% of the time (randomly).  That way, B does best to choose open 100% of the time, winning $2 about 50.1% of the time (averaging slightly over $1 per game).  The remaining 49.9% of the time, A will win $3, which averages to about $1.50 per game for A.
If B decides first, he will choose open 25.1% of the time.  That way A should choose open 100% of the time, winning $3 25.1% of the time (averaging slightly over $0.75 per game), while B wins $2 74.9% of the time (averaging $1.50 per game).
If A picks open 50% of the time, and B picks open 25% of the time, then 1/8 of the time A wins $3, 3/8 of the time A wins $1, and 1/2 the time B wins $2.  Thus A wins $0.75 per game, and B wins $1 per game, an outcome worse for both players than either outcome above.  Maybe this is an equilibrium of sorts, but it is highly unstable.
If A begins with a strategy of picking open 49.9% of the time, and B begins with a strategy of picking open 25.1% of the time, this becomes a game of economic "chicken."  Players goad each other, saying "Come on, choose open!  I'm not gonna budge, and you can win more on average if you do!"  
However, I think that A has the leverage here.  If B refuses to raise his open percentage, A can begin lowering his (which is slightly to his detriment in the short run), until B has no real option except to increase his open %, which will allow A to follow suit, at least back up to 49.9%.  B, on the other hand, cannot really afford to lower his open %, because by crossing the 25% mark, he actually incents A to reduce his open %.  Since A has this "punishment mechanism" available to him that B does not, I think A has leverage.
So my intuition, which I can't quite prove, is that the strategy of A choosing open 49.9% of the time and B choosing open 100% of the time is the long-run equilibrium.  A simply has to maintain the discipline to not pass that 50% mark, and he'll continue to rake in $3 every other game.
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wu::riddles Moderator

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Re: Hand Game  
« Reply #9 on: Sep 22nd, 2007, 3:25am »
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on Sep 21st, 2007, 3:10pm, Joe Fendel wrote:
I don't think there is any true equilibrium here.  Clearly a strategy must be "mixed", picking open a certain random percentage of the time.  We can first approach the problem by assuming one player decides and announces his mixed strategy before the other chooses.
Well, if they can announce their strategy, as B I'd just announce
I'll repeatedly pick OCCOC, as long as you (A) pick OOOOO; if you don't then I'll pick C untill you have picked O again often enough to compensate. This way we both get the most from the game (each 1.2 per round on average).  
If A doesn't cooperate he'll get only 1. But then, B wouldn't get anything if A doesn't cooperate, so you can argue against the rationality for B; which is why rationality is overrated when fairness is concerned. If your opponent won't play fairly, don't play; getting nothing is better than getting an unfair cut.
« Last Edit: Sep 22nd, 2007, 3:31am by towr » IP Logged

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Michael Dagg
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Re: Hand Game  
« Reply #10 on: Sep 22nd, 2007, 10:41am »
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Take P,Q as the probabilities that A and B show O. A  
needs to choose P so that, regardless of what B shows,  
the (expected) payoff to A will be > 0. i.e,  
min{3P - 2(1 - P), (1 - P) - 2P} > 0. But this says that
P > 2/5  and  P < 1/3  which can't happen so A has no
winning strategy.
B needs to pick Q so that  min{2(1 - Q) - 3Q, 2Q - (1 - Q)} > 0.  
This says  1/3 < Q < 2/5. So the the strategy for B is
not unique but best when Q = 3/8.
« Last Edit: Sep 22nd, 2007, 10:47am by Michael Dagg » IP Logged

Michael Dagg
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