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   Author  Topic: Bass  (Read 798 times)
Senior Riddler


Gender: male
Posts: 585
« on: Jun 8th, 2008, 8:21am »
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My friends call this game Bass. This has a lot of similarity to the Sausage duel, but in some way easier (limited number of distinct cases), in some way more complicated (as luck has a role too).
The game is played by two players, although more can play as well. The first player tosses two dices and checks the reults, The other(s) cannot see it. From the two dices he forms a two digit number, with the higher number first. The possible outcomes has a hierarchy: 31,32,41,42,43,51,52,53,54,61,62,63,64,65,11,22,33,44,55,66,21.
He then can tell any number aloud, either what he has or any other number (from the list).
The second player now has two options. He either believes it or he does not.
If he does not believe then the first player shows his dices. If he told the truth then the second player gets a penalty point, if he lied then he gets the penalty.
If he believes, he gets the dices and tosses them. He again tells a number, but the number has to be more valueable than the previous.
And so on.
Eventually somebody doubts (at least when the other says 21) when someone gets a penalty.
The game has an end when somebody collected 5 penalty points.
What is the ideal strategy?
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