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   Questions that need no answer
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   Author  Topic: Questions that need no answer  (Read 1199 times)
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Questions that need no answer  
« on: Dec 29th, 2004, 2:38am »
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There are some questions in this world that do not to be answered.
Tell someone that there are billions of stars and he /she will believe it. Tell that person a fence is wet from paint. Why does that person want to feel the fence?
What do sheep count, to fall asleep?
What are militairies doing in a civil war?
Do they have coffe-breaks at a tea-factory?
What is the speed of darkness?
Is a full harddisk heavier than an empty one?
If corn-oil is made of corn, olive-oil made of olives, what is baby-oil made of?
If swimming is good for the development of arms and legs. Why do fish not have arms and legs?
What are those plastic things at the end of shoestrings called?
Why do we say "the alarmclock goes off" when it actually goes on?
Are directionmarkers to a school for the blind also made in braille?
Who invented the "milking of a cow"? And what was he thinking when he started it?
Why do you always see just one shoe of a pair at the side of a road?
If a fly lands on a ceiling, does he make a looping or does he rotate along an axis?
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There is much pleasure to be gained from useless knowledge - Bertrand Russel


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Re: Questions that need no answer  
« Reply #1 on: Dec 29th, 2004, 4:01am »
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on Dec 29th, 2004, 2:38am, EZ_Lonny wrote:

What is the speed of darkness?

Well, darkness is faster than light... See here, with some elaborations here
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Re: Questions that need no answer  
« Reply #2 on: Dec 29th, 2004, 4:39am »
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on Dec 29th, 2004, 2:38am, EZ_Lonny wrote:
Tell someone that there are billions of stars and he /she will believe it. Tell that person a fence is wet from paint. Why does that person want to feel the fence?
He can't possibly count billions of stars, but he can feel the fence.
What do sheep count, to fall asleep?
The same as most humans, nothing.
Do they have coffe-breaks at a tea-factory?
Why wouldn't they?
Is a full harddisk heavier than an empty one?
It may either weigh more or less, assuming it's a magnetic harddisk and the polarization of the bits repel/attract the earths magnetic field
If corn-oil is made of corn, olive-oil made of olives, what is baby-oil made of?
The same thing it would be made of if corn-oil wasn't made of corn and olive-oil wasn't made of olives.  
If swimming is good for the development of arms and legs. Why do fish not have arms and legs?
Because when they devellop arms and legs they cease being fish. Where do you think we evolved from?
What are those plastic things at the end of shoestrings called?
I don't know what they're called in english, but I can probably find out what they're called in Dutch (I know there's a thread on it in some dutch forum, but I forgot the answer)
Why do we say "the alarmclock goes off" when it actually goes on?
The alarmclock can't go off unless it's already on, the alarm of the clock goes on though. But in older models that would mean going off, after having been would up, so actually the winding went off, letting the alarm go on.
Who invented the "milking of a cow"? And what was he thinking when he started it?
Mch'kamel (the Third) He was thinking milk might be a good food supplement, seeying as all mammal youngs grow up on it Wink
Why do you always see just one shoe of a pair at the side of a road?
Orphaned shoes are lonely soles Tongue
If a fly lands on a ceiling, does he make a looping or does he rotate along an axis?
He makes a looping of sorts. You didn't actually think people hadn't researched this did you? They first put their front feet on the ceiling, and then loop over, which explains why they always land backwards on the celing wrt how they fly to it.
« Last Edit: Dec 29th, 2004, 4:41am by towr » IP Logged

Wikipedia, Google, Mathworld, Integer sequence DB
wu::riddles Moderator

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Re: Questions that need no answer  
« Reply #3 on: Dec 29th, 2004, 5:45am »
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He makes a looping of sorts. You didn't actually think people hadn't researched this did you?

I don't know about landing (How can you know precisely where a fly is going to land?) but they have researched taking off - and it was found that they always take off vertically (VTOL?), just like a helicopter. So if you want to swat a fly do so straight downwards.
By the way, what does Donald Trump's helicopter pilot say on landing? (I suspect he says, "The Ego has landed.")
Do they have coffe-breaks at a tea-factory?  

"Coffee-break" is a North American term. How many tea-factories has there ever been in North America?
What are those plastic things at the end of shoestrings called?
Aglets. (Sounds Dutch to me, but it actually comes from the Latin word for 'needle'.)
Why do you always see just one shoe of a pair at the side of a road?

Because we never traverse the skid marks in the middle of the road in search of the other.
« Last Edit: Dec 29th, 2004, 5:59am by ThudnBlunder » IP Logged

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