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   Santa Claus - a brief history
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   Author  Topic: Santa Claus - a brief history  (Read 948 times)
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Santa Claus - a brief history  
« on: Dec 6th, 2004, 4:20am »
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Santa Claus:
Does anybody know the exact history of this saint?
As far as I know his origin lies in Saint Nicolas, Formerly known as the bishop of Myra (Turkey). Moved to Spain and pronounced holey by the nam Saint Nicolas. His little helpers first started as enslaved Mores (Africans). In later versions he became know as Sinterklaas (in Holland and Belgium, aswell as in some other European countries).  
His birthday is december 6th 1492. So today he's 512 years old. In Holland his birthday has been celebrated last weekend. With presents for the little children and Sinterklaas paying visits to them with help from Zwarte Piet (Black Pete) as his helper (totally black with a colourfull outfit.
The thing  I don't know is how Saint Nicolas became Santa Claus in the United States and that the celebrations take place at Christmas.
I know that the red and white outfit of Santa was an idea from Coca Cola as a comercial stunt in the early 20th century.
Who can help me make the history complete?
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Re: Santa Claus - a brief history  
« Reply #1 on: Dec 6th, 2004, 7:40am »
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on Dec 6th, 2004, 4:20am, EZ_Lonny wrote:
His little helpers first started as enslaved Mores (Africans).
Enslaved devils, forced to do good deeds. Or according to some remeniscant of Wodans crows (and Saint Nic is Wodan himself transformed to a Christian image)
His birthday is december 6th 1492.
A rather suspicious year, I'm pretty sure 6th december is his death day, and in good tradition the evening before is counted with the folowing day (Just like the Sabbat is friday evening and saturday day)
[e]Wikipedia (see below) puts his live in the 3rd and 4th century with his dead in 342 or 343 (plus or minus a decade Wink)[/e]
The thing  I don't know is how Saint Nicolas became Santa Claus in the United States and that the celebrations take place at Christmas.
Afaik he was brought there by Dutch whalers (people who hunt whales). Or maybe just immigrants. And he was combined with 'father christmas' from Britain and Germany or some such place, to form Santa Claus.
I know that the red and white outfit of Santa was an idea from Coca Cola as a comercial stunt in the early 20th century.
A popular myth which has proven to be false. There is a much earlier description of his outfit and looks in some childrens story.
Who can help me make the history complete?
http://nl.wikipedia.org and http://en.wikipedia.org etc (the articles about Santa Claus/Sinterklaas differ in more than just language; they're not just translations of each other)
« Last Edit: Dec 6th, 2004, 8:04am by towr » IP Logged

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