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Topic: stranded (Read 1422 times) |

Posts: 1
Tou are trapped in a forrest surrounded by endless trees with no compass and no map. There is nothing on the ground that is usefull. a few yards from you is a cave, but it leads to a dead end. on the ground there is a rock and a bottle of juice. How do u find a way out of the forrest?
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Posts: 1732
Re: stranded
« Reply #1 on: Mar 1st, 2006, 11:11pm » |
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Well, since the trees are endless, there is no way out. QED
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How about supercalifragilisticexpialidociouspuzzler [Towr, 2007]
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Re: stranded
« Reply #2 on: Mar 2nd, 2006, 12:36am » |
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Climb a tree to survey the area and pick a route out. Take the juice with you so you don't dehydrate. Leave the rock (unless it looks lucky).
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wu::riddles Moderator Uberpuzzler
 Some people are average, some are just mean.
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Re: stranded
« Reply #3 on: Mar 2nd, 2006, 12:53am » |
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The trees may be endless (actually, they may not, there is a physical upper limit to the size of a tree given an amount fo gravity), but the forest is not.. Just walk in one direction for long enough and you'll get out.
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Posts: 2874
Re: stranded
« Reply #4 on: Mar 2nd, 2006, 5:07am » |
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type "quit" and leave the program... (you mean it's not a text adventure game?)
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wu::riddles Moderator Uberpuzzler
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Re: stranded
« Reply #5 on: Mar 2nd, 2006, 7:26pm » |
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I moved this thread because it does not fit at all in the "Hard" category. There are plenty of answers for it. But there is no real indication which is desired by the author. What we really need for problems like these is an "Obtuse" category (too many solutions w/o enough information to choose between them).
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"Pi goes on and on and on ... And e is just as cursed. I wonder: Which is larger When their digits are reversed? " - Anonymous
wu::riddles Moderator Uberpuzzler

Posts: 7527
Re: stranded
« Reply #6 on: Mar 3rd, 2006, 6:24am » |
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on Mar 2nd, 2006, 5:07am, rmsgrey wrote:type "quit" and leave the program... (you mean it's not a text adventure game?) |
| That is a deep thought. How many people have spent days on an adventure game, walking around, trying to find the exit while the only thing they had to do is to press the big button. Of course, it requires thinking outside fo the box. Almost matrix-ish.
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wu::riddles Moderator Uberpuzzler

Posts: 2084
Re: stranded
« Reply #7 on: Mar 3rd, 2006, 8:01am » |
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on Mar 3rd, 2006, 6:24am, Grimbal wrote:How many people have spent days on an adventure game, walking around, trying to find the exit while the only thing they had to do is to press the big button. |
| Or close the #@%*! door behind them when they enter a room. (Thank you, Riven...) --SMQ
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Posts: 2874
Re: stranded
« Reply #8 on: Mar 4th, 2006, 4:26am » |
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on Mar 3rd, 2006, 8:01am, SMQ wrote: Or close the #@%*! door behind them when they enter a room. (Thank you, Riven...) --SMQ |
| That happened to me in Myst - the lifts in Channelwood require you to close the door before they go anywhere - so I spent some time looking for the puzzle I'd missed to get power to them...
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Re: stranded
« Reply #9 on: Mar 8th, 2006, 3:15pm » |
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is this a sort of wordplay?
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"It is very good to have a brother who has a cow. It is also good to have a brother who has two cows. In fact, a brother with a cow is great, except when he has exactly 135 cows and is one of thecow himself."-Unknown
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Re: stranded
« Reply #10 on: May 26th, 2006, 1:32am » |
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I miss Parser Interface. Ahhh, the good ole days.
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"A True Friend Will Stab You In The Front" - Oscar Wilde
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Re: stranded
« Reply #11 on: May 28th, 2006, 3:54pm » |
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Easy, you're a chimpanzee who lives in the forest and has absolutely no desire to leave. The juice bottle belonged to a foolish stray human who you just killed with the rock and then ate, and the cave is where you've been sleeping out of the rain
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 I am no special. I am only passionately curious.
Posts: 1001
Re: stranded
« Reply #12 on: May 30th, 2006, 8:35am » |
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on Mar 1st, 2006, 10:29pm, Joe wrote:How do u find a way out of the forrest? |
| I google it ...
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Self discovery comes when a man measures himself against an obstacle - Antoine de Saint Exupery

on Mar 1st, 2006, 10:29pm, Joe wrote:Tou are trapped in a forrest surrounded by endless trees with no compass and no map. There is nothing on the ground that is usefull. a few yards from you is a cave, but it leads to a dead end. on the ground there is a rock and a bottle of juice. How do u find a way out of the forrest? |
| Unless the question is badly formed, the second bolded phrase is for colour, a red herring, and could equally read "on the floor there is a rocketship, instructions how to use it fuel, and a map outta here" - we know that for some reason they are not useful, so we can ignore them. However, I believe that the question is badly formed. In which case the answer is to start a forest fire by using the bottle of juice as a lens, and hiding in the cave until the fire has passed. The rock could be used to prop the bottle in place so you can start the fire while not around, but personally, I'd start the fire by hand, then take the juice away again, as you may need it. Be aware of the dangers of smoke inhalation, and the probability that the oxygen in the cave may all get used up.
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Posts: 30
Re: stranded
« Reply #14 on: Jun 20th, 2006, 6:06am » |
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Enter the cave; you are no longer in the forest because you are in the cave.
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