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   Two men, a girl and a poem
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   Author  Topic: Two men, a girl and a poem  (Read 1123 times)
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Two men, a girl and a poem  
« on: Sep 26th, 2004, 10:36am »
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Two men want to marry the same woman. She says to them: "Each of you write me a poem. I'm going to choose the one I like more. If I guess who wrote it, I'll marry him. If I don't guess, I'll marry the other one".  
Is this fair?
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wu::riddles Moderator

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Re: Two men, a girl and a poem  
« Reply #1 on: Sep 26th, 2004, 11:08am »
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::All's fair in love and war, so yes. Tongue::
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134688278 134688278   rmsgrey   rmsgrey

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Re: Two men, a girl and a poem  
« Reply #2 on: Sep 26th, 2004, 11:10am »
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Seems fair to me... Each of them has an equal chance of being the person she prefers, and I always feel that the fairest way to resolve a situation where one person has two suitors is to let the one person choose between their suitors rather than have them settle it between them.
And, of course, in personal issues, provided all parties are satisfied, it's no-one else's business what goes on.
Besides, as everyone [e]including Towr[/e] knows, "all's fair in love and war"
Of course, the poem is a red herring - the girl ends up marrying whoever she says she thinks wrote it - if they did, then she marries him; if they didn't, she marries the one who didn't write the poem. So, provided she understands her own rules, it's basically her just fishing for attention before she announces her preference...
« Last Edit: Sep 26th, 2004, 11:15am by rmsgrey » IP Logged
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Re: Two men, a girl and a poem  
« Reply #3 on: Sep 26th, 2004, 11:23am »
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Rmsgrey, you got it. It's not fair, cause she will marry whoever she picks.
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134688278 134688278   rmsgrey   rmsgrey

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Re: Two men, a girl and a poem  
« Reply #4 on: Sep 26th, 2004, 11:29am »
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on Sep 26th, 2004, 11:23am, DeMark wrote:
Rmsgrey, you got it. It's not fair, cause she will marry whoever she picks.

And this is unfair because?
The woman gets whichever man she prefers. The man she picks gets the woman he wants. The only person who might not be happy with the outcome is the disappointed suitor - and he'd be unhappy anyway.
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Re: Two men, a girl and a poem  
« Reply #5 on: Sep 26th, 2004, 11:38am »
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Well, it's unfair in general, to both of them,before she picks. Because she doesn't pick a man, she picks a poem she likes better. If she liked one of the men more, she could choose immediately. She was undecided, so she had to pick a poem. She is happy whoever she gets, but it's not fair to the men.
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wu::riddles Moderator

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Re: Two men, a girl and a poem  
« Reply #6 on: Sep 26th, 2004, 11:46am »
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Sure it's fair, they can easily enough write a poem that includes their name, which makes it very easy for her to guess who wrote it. And if they write well enough she might pick based on that.
Besides, if they're not willing to put up with such a small request, they don't deserve her.. Tongue
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134688278 134688278   rmsgrey   rmsgrey

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Re: Two men, a girl and a poem  
« Reply #7 on: Sep 26th, 2004, 11:48am »
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on Sep 26th, 2004, 11:38am, DeMark wrote:
Well, it's unfair in general, to both of them,before she picks. Because she doesn't pick a man, she picks a poem she likes better. If she liked one of the men more, she could choose immediately. She was undecided, so she had to pick a poem. She is happy whoever she gets, but it's not fair to the men.

Not really - either she marries the man she thinks is most likely to have written the poem she likes best - which suggests she prefers him without realising it, or she marries the man she wants to marry without reference to the poetry at all.
At worst, it's unfair to the man she doesn't pick - he writes a poem and doesn't get the woman. At best, it's a way for the woman to discover which of the two men she really prefers.
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Re: Two men, a girl and a poem  
« Reply #8 on: Sep 26th, 2004, 1:41pm »
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Assuming an honest girl who is actually going to pick the best poem and try to guess who wrote it, and assuming you're not allowed to name yourself in the poem, there is, of course, another way to play the game. I'd probably say it's unfair, unless deviousness is an attractive quality in a mate. Write a lousy poem but include some hints that make her think the other guy wrote it, such as a poem about how your love is like his favorite football team. It's a lot easier to write a bad poem about your rival's interests than a good poem about your love.
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Re: Two men, a girl and a poem  
« Reply #9 on: Sep 26th, 2004, 9:07pm »
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If you wanted to be devious, couldn't you just include the other guys name in the poem?
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Sum Arbor
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Re: Two men, a girl and a poem  
« Reply #10 on: Sep 26th, 2004, 11:19pm »
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What is fair?  
By definition:
a)    Having or exhibiting a disposition that is free of favoritism or bias; impartial: a fair mediator.  
b)    Just to all parties; equitable: a compromise that is fair to both factions.
on Sep 26th, 2004, 10:36am, DeMark wrote:
Two men want to marry the same woman. She says to them: "Each of you write me a poem. I'm going to choose the one I like more.

The above part could be considered fair... but only if both men consider her a fair mediator. Since both want to marry her, let us assume they do. In reality she would only be a fair mediator if she likes or dislikes both of the men equally.
If I guess who wrote it, I'll marry him.

It's hard to consider this fair (by definition), since if she really is guessing then why write a poem to begin with, if she's already made up her mind, why write a poem to begin with.
If I don't guess, I'll marry the other one".

This part doesn't even make sense. I suppose it could be interpreted, "If I can't guess who wrote the poem I prefer from the content's of that poem, I'll marry the other person" assuming she can guess who wrote either of the poems. That is being generous. It sounds like, if she can't guess who wrote the poem she likes, she'll just marry whichever one she chooses, which goes back to the already suggested setup.
Is this fair?

Personally, based on the rules of the challenge, I would give this the thumbs down on being fair...
« Last Edit: Sep 26th, 2004, 11:23pm by raven » IP Logged
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Re: Two men, a girl and a poem  
« Reply #11 on: Sep 27th, 2004, 5:53am »
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Yay! Well, I think it would be fair to say: "If I guess who wrote it, I'll marry him, and if I don't, I'll marry the one who wrote it".  
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134688278 134688278   rmsgrey   rmsgrey

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Re: Two men, a girl and a poem  
« Reply #12 on: Sep 27th, 2004, 8:42am »
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But that's unfair to the woman if she does have a preference, because she then potentially has to marry the other one.
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wu::riddles Moderator


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Re: Two men, a girl and a poem  
« Reply #13 on: Sep 27th, 2004, 9:20am »
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It is only fair that the woman lets the men know beforehand that she is the kind who expects men to write poems for her and likes to bullsh*ts them in return.
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Re: Two men, a girl and a poem  
« Reply #14 on: Sep 27th, 2004, 11:47am »
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She could save a lot of time, work (writing poems), anticipation, etc. by just flipping a coin and getting it over with. After all, that is what this whole contest is equivalent to, assuming one of them is not skilled in poetry Wink
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Leo Broukhis
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Re: Two men, a girl and a poem  
« Reply #15 on: Sep 28th, 2004, 3:32pm »
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on Sep 27th, 2004, 5:53am, DeMark wrote:
Yay! Well, I think it would be fair to say: "If I guess who wrote it, I'll marry him, and if I don't, I'll marry the one who wrote it".  

No, I think it all boils down to: "If I guess who wrote the poem, I'll marry him, and if I don't, I'll marry the guy who did not write it" which is equivalent to "I'll marry the guy I point to", and poems are just a decoy.
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wu::riddles Moderator

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Re: Two men, a girl and a poem  
« Reply #16 on: Sep 29th, 2004, 8:14pm »
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on Sep 27th, 2004, 5:53am, DeMark wrote:
Yay! Well, I think it would be fair to say: "If I guess who wrote it, I'll marry him, and if I don't, I'll marry the one who wrote it".

This boils down to: I'll marry whoever writes the better poem. This is fair to the guys, but it means that the guessing part is immaterial, so why bother? Of course, it does let her future hubby know what she thinks he is capable of...
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134688278 134688278   rmsgrey   rmsgrey

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Re: Two men, a girl and a poem  
« Reply #17 on: Sep 30th, 2004, 4:44am »
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Plus the supposedly "fair" version is unfair for the girl if she does have a preference but the other guy ends up writing the preferred poem - the two guys end up one happy, one unhappy either way, but if the wrong guy gets the girl, she ends up unhappy.
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wu::riddles Moderator


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Re: Two men, a girl and a poem  
« Reply #18 on: Sep 30th, 2004, 5:01am »
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I don't agree.  According to the rule, whoever she picks she will marry, regardless of who wrote what.
What is unfair is that the 2 guys have no chance of ending up together.  What if they are gay?  Grin
And if both love the girl, it is unfair that only one of them gets to marry her and (supposedly) be happy.  Fair would be if they both refrain from marrying so that none gets more than the other.
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wu::riddles Moderator

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Re: Two men, a girl and a poem  
« Reply #19 on: Sep 30th, 2004, 7:51am »
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Or they could all marry.. (In some cultures one woman can legally marry several men)
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