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Topic: strange rule (Read 13457 times) |

Posts: 16
strange rule
« on: Apr 1st, 2008, 1:45pm » |
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How weird is this rule? The "half-your-age-plus-seven rule" is one rule of thumb defining a mathematical formula to judge whether the age difference in an intimate relationship is socially acceptable. It should be noted that the lower your age, the smaller the age difference can be, thus rendering this rule nonsensical for anyone under 19 years of age. Mathematically speaking, the rule is: Age of younger individual >= 1/2 * (Age of older individual ) + 7 How did this rule/formula come about?
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wu::riddles Moderator Uberpuzzler
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Re: strange rule
« Reply #1 on: Apr 1st, 2008, 1:56pm » |
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on Apr 1st, 2008, 1:45pm, Marissa wrote:It should be noted that the lower your age, the smaller the age difference can be, thus rendering this rule nonsensical for anyone under 19 years of age. |
| I'd say it makes sense, at least as a formula, down to 14. Quote:Mathematically speaking, the rule is: Age of younger individual >= 1/2 * (Age of older individual ) + 7 How did this rule/formula come about? |
| Possibly someone just considered what ages they thought appropriate for certain ages, tried to fit a formula to it, and thought 1/2 and 7 where convenient constants to use. It beats using 0.47364 and 6.819354 I suppose as a thought experiment, people could try coming up with their own data-points and formula.
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Wikipedia, Google, Mathworld, Integer sequence DB
wu::riddles Moderator Uberpuzzler

Posts: 7527
Re: strange rule
« Reply #3 on: Apr 2nd, 2008, 8:18am » |
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This formula doesn't take into account the fact that there is a larger tolerance for older men with younger woman than the opposite. The fortune also counts. A relationship between a rich old man and a poor young woman raises less questions than a relation between a poor old man and a rich young woman. So it is really just a rule of thumb.
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Junior Member
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Re: strange rule
« Reply #4 on: Apr 30th, 2010, 12:37am » |
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I always assumed it was because 18 years olds (i.e. just turned adults) have their 'lower limit' at 16 - the age of consent in the UK.
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Posts: 3
Re: strange rule
« Reply #5 on: Dec 15th, 2012, 2:05am » |
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It's a social construct. In fact, according to various studies (I'm unable to cite links), genetic defects and infertility affect men as they age. Sperm quality decreases for men at or beyond middle age, and the risk of birth defects increase (see WIkipedia article on paternal age effect). So why is it more socially acceptable in most societies for a younger woman to marry an older man? It can partially be explained by power relations and economic benefits. Most societies around the world are patrilineal, that is inheritance is traced through the father. Traditional agrarian families have valuable possessions that can be inherited, such as land or livestock, by a legitimate son. In other societies, having many descendants was also a measure of social status. Before the advent of modern medicine many women died in birth-related complications. Thus it is very likely for a successful man to outlive his wife. As a successful man, he would likely take on another wife (typically younger, fertile, and depending on the culture, virgin) in order to produce more heirs. In return the woman is offered financial stability, over the marriage to a younger, financially uncertain man. In addition, an older husband is often able to exert more control over the a younger wife (as opposed to someone his own age). This way, he can ensure she doesn't bear someone else's child. In addition, a young women is often unskilled and unable to provide for herself if she tries to leave him, so that deters her from leaving him. Lastly, the cultural stigma of widowed women prevents (or decreases the likelihood) of an older man marrying a woman his age, so by elimination he is left with younger women. It should also be interesting to note that this rule is not standard among all cultures.
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