Mantani, Unosuke, Sergeant, Japanese Army, Sub-commander of Nagoya POW Camp
No. 1, Kamioka, Honshu, Japan
Docket No./ Date: 33/May 6, 1946, Yokohama, Japan
Charge: Violation of the Laws of War: 1. Did commit cruel and brutal
acts and other offenses against Allied POWs
Verdict: Life Imprisonment
Reviewing Authority's Recommendations: 1. Prosecution establishes that
accused was "the central figure in the indiscriminate beating, clubbing,
burning and other mistreatment and torture of numerous Allied prisoners
of war without cause or trial" through direct supervision and/or
direct involvement. 2. Accused did have control over camp guards, as refuted
by testimony of three Japanese members of the camp staff. 3. "Commission's
"conclusion of guilt was amply warranted by convincing prosecution
evidence depicting accused as a "sadistic type" who brutally
tortured prisoners at the slightest whim." James A. Byrum, 1st Lieutenant,
Assistant Staff Judge Advocate 1. Accused ordered, directed and supervised
subordinates in the beating, clubbing and other mistreatment of numerous
Allied prisoners of war and personally beat and tortured others. 1. Accused
exercised command only over office personnel at Kamioka and had no control
over camp guards. 2. Accused denied knowledge or stated that he had merely
heard of most specifications. 3. Accused testified that he did burn on
eindividual for stealing food on one occasion but denied having done so
on other occasions. 4. Stated that he treated prisoners well - bringing
fruit and dried fish from his own home for POWs. In regards to the sentencing
issue brought up by defense counsel: "Counsel for the accused have
presented a brief comparing the instant sentence unfavorable with these
in similar cases. Because of the varied character of the acts of which
war rimes accused have been convicted, no general yardstick for sentences
can properly be established. The fact that a commission in a certain case
or cases may award an inadequate punishment, does not justify the reviewing
authority in reducing proper sentence in other cases to that low level.
The measure must still be the reasonableness and justness of the sentence
as gauged by the punishment whihc the facts in each particular case demand..."
Reviewing Authority: Cyril D. Hill, Lt. Colonel, Assistant Staff Judge
Prosecution Arguments:
Defense Arguments: 1. Denied scope of beatings and slappings in the alleged
instances of violation 2. Denied participating in the slaping or beating
of any other POW besides the ones mentioned in the testimony.
Judge Advocate's Recommendations:

Child Testifying
in Court in Manila.
Photo: U.S. Army, courtesy of Bob Harmon
trial records of Japanese War Criminals Tried at Yokohama,
Japan, between 1946 and 1949 is broken
into 2 sets:
- 59
reels - Records of Trials and Clemency Petitions for Accused
Japanese War Criminals Tried at Yokohama, Japan (1946-1948)
- 5
reels - Reviews of the Yokohama Class B and C war crimes
Trials by the 8th Army judge Advocate (1946-1949)
following is a summary of the corresponding case found in
the latter group (5-reel set of Judge Advocate's Reviews).
Analysis Prepared by Stella Lee Researcher,
War Crimes Studies Center