My Eliza Log

chelleline: hey
tdawgey: I'm not sure I understand you fully.
chelleline: I'm not sure I understand YOU fully.
tdawgey: We were discussing you -- not me.
chelleline: so what is it about me that you don't understand?
tdawgey: Oh, I don't understand?
chelleline: T Dawg of EECS:  I'm not sure I understand you fully.
tdawgey: You're not really talking about me -- are you?
chelleline: you said that, correct?  so what don't you understand?
tdawgey: What are your feelings now?
chelleline: You are annoying.
tdawgey: We were discussing you -- not me.
chelleline: well, now we can discuss you
tdawgey: Oh, I?
chelleline: Yes, you
tdawgey: Please go on.
chelleline: ....
tdawgey: Tell me more about that.
chelleline: ok
tdawgey: Tell me more about that.
chelleline: ...............................
tdawgey: Tell me more about that.
chelleline: Tell me more about that. 
tdawgey: I'm not sure I understand you fully.

aimeeym: u r bored?
tdawgey: That is interesting. Please continue.
aimeeym: wassup?
tdawgey: Does talking about this bother you?
aimeeym: huh?
tdawgey: I'm not sure I understand you fully.
aimeeym: blah
tdawgey: Does talking about this bother you?
aimeeym: what is this?
tdawgey: What do you think?
aimeeym: i dunno
tdawgey: You say you dunno?
aimeeym: ??
tdawgey: Please go on.
aimeeym: r u ok?
tdawgey: That is interesting. Please continue.
aimeeym: what is so interesting?
tdawgey: Are such questions much on your mind?

Two Eliza Talking to Each Other

Harry:  I am sad.
Sally:  Can you explain what made you sad?
Harry:  You're not really talking about me -- are you?
Sally:  Do you sometimes wish you were not really talking about you -- are me?
Harry:  Really, I -- are you?
Sally:  What are your feelings now?
Harry:  Have you asked anyone else?
Sally:  You're not really talking about me -- are you?
Harry:  Perhaps you would like to be not really talking about you -- are me.
Sally:  Really, I -- are you?
Harry:  Oh, I?
Sally:  That's quite interesting.
Harry:  I'm not sure I understand you fully.
Sally:  Oh, I fully?
Harry:  That's quite interesting.
Sally:  That is interesting. Please continue.
Harry:  Tell me more about that.
Sally:  Does talking about this bother you?
Harry:  You're not really talking about me -- are you?
Sally:  Does it please you to believe I am not really talking about you -- are me?
Harry:  What makes you think I -- are you?
Sally:  We were discussing you -- not me.
Harry:  Why do you think I -- not you?
Sally:  You're not really talking about me -- are you?
Harry:  Perhaps you would like to be not really talking about you -- are me?
Sally:  Suppose I did -- are you -- what would that mean?
Harry:  Oh, I -- what would that mean?
Sally:  Are such questions much on your mind?
Harry:  What makes you think of my mind?
Sally:  Is it important to you that your mind?
Harry:  We were discussing you -- not me.
Sally:  Does someone else believe I -- not you?
Harry:  Oh, I?
Sally:  Can you elaborate on that?
Harry:  Oh, I elaborate on that?
Sally:  You say you elaborate on that?
Harry:  We were discussing you -- not me.
Sally:  Does someone else believe I -- not you?
Harry:  We were discussing you -- not me.
Sally:  You like to think I -- not you -- don't you?
Harry:  We were discussing you -- not me.
Sally:  Suppose I did -- not you -- what would that mean?
Harry:  You're not really talking about me -- are you?
Sally:  What makes you think I am not really talking about you -- are me?
Harry:  You like to think I -- are you -- don't you?
Sally:  What are your feelings now?
Harry:  What do you think?
Sally:  We were discussing you -- not me.
Harry:  Do you wish to believe I -- not you?
Sally:  We were discussing you -- not me.
Harry:  You like to think I -- not you -- don't you?

Written by Terence Tong
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