Places to Stay

Steve and Alice
August 14, 2004

Places to stay

We've tried to come up with a variety of different options, in all sorts of price ranges. All of the places listed are within a few miles of the reception site, and we've noted when they're within easy walking distance. (Some of the hotels are in Emeryville, which is very close to where we live, and is one town over from Berkeley.) The prices that we're quoting are for one room with two people and a queen bed on Friday and Saturday night. Some of the bed and breakfasts will only book their rooms for both nights, which is why we did it this way. Some further descriptions will be coming, but since people are starting to look for their accommodations, we wanted to get the (imperfect) list up. We've put our favorites at the beginning, and the rest are in alphabetical order. Happy sleeping!

Small and Sufficient Medium Priced For the luxurious

Small and Sufficient

These places are between $120 and $140 for two nights. Our favorite is:

Medium Priced

This is a large middle range, going from $160 to $260 for the two night/ two adult prices. Our favorites are the:

For the luxurious

All of these prices are for the least expensive options - there are many options available at each of these places. We've never stayed at any of these locations, so don't have a favorite to point out.

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Updated 5.31.04