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Friday, February 10, 2006


So one of the most amazing talents in the world of Hip-Hop passed away. From the Ummah days to Donuts, J Dilla has consistently been a undeniable force in music. Utmost respect to him and heartfelt, sincere thoughts of condolences to his family and friends.

I know a lot of us consider Dilla beats to be some of our favorites ("Let's Ride" and "Fuck the Police" for me), so drop a comment about your favorite Dilla creation. Go out and buy "Donuts" and remember his greatness.

(Stones Throw)


At 7:13 PM, blaowlau said...

rip dilla

and at least for me, you can't talk about his beats without throwing in "runnin", my personal fav.

At 10:47 AM, mkrimper said...

Dilla had a show a couple months ago right down by my apartment. It was completely sold out, with a group of people waiting outside, and sure enough I couldn't get in. I heard he rocked it, even though apparently he was doing the european tour in a wheel chair. I had no idea, and it's such a surprise, much respect to Dilla and his committed hiphop lifestyle.

I've gotta agree with Kris on "fuck the police," and I was bumpin hard the Jaylib album my freshman year, so much love to his work on that. RIP


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