Hello. This is my first attempt at a web site, and since I
have not yet learned html or acquired the proper software, it is
for the moment more of a gopher site than a web site, that is, a
collection of files in text-only mode. I plan to upgrade soon,
but I hope this may be useful.
The purpose of this site is to serve as a resource for
people researching or interested in the issue of human rights in
Vietnam. Some of the material placed here consist of articles or
papers I have written in the past on various subjects related to
this issue, for example religion-state relations, the re-
education camps or daily living conditions in Vietnam. Other
material includes statements of prominent dissidents in Vietnam
(for which they were often punished) and documents from the
Vietnam government itself. Not all the government material is
strictly human rights related, for example the by-laws of the
Vietnamese Communist Party, but since Vietnam is ruled by a one-
party system I think it is relevant. Some of the materials here I
originally published in a newsletter I edited from 1979-85 and
1988-95, originally titled The Indochina Newsletter, then
Indochina Journal, and finally Vietnam Journal. I hope to resume
the newsletter some day, or may carry it on as a web site
Because this web site is very new, established on Dec. 15,
1998, it is still very much a work in progress -- in addition to
the primitive text-only format (which I personally prefer to
html), there is much I still plan to post at this site. Any
feedback would be most welcome.
I recognize that some of the materials here may seem a bit
old, and that significant changes have taken place in Vietnam
over the last ten years. But it is on the other hand helpful to
understand the historical background to the contemporary human
rights situation in Vietnam and also the reasons behind the large
exodus of refugees from Vietnam over the last 23 years.
- Steve Denney