adopt-a-cow program. this page contains *opinions* of kenao@ocf
This "program" was verbally instituted around a bod meeting in late feb 2001.
ANTHRAX: Win reinstall + FreeBSD 4.1.x w/o X
by gmg@ocf
BIOHAZARD: Win + Mandrake Linux 7.2+grub w/o X
needs loving parent; orphaned by bac@ocf, jones@ocf
BLIGHT: Win reinstall + some unix (?)
by sasfaw@ocf
needs loving parent
needs loving master
above this line, computers face bancroft from north side of table, west to east (closest to study lounge)
below, south side facing heller lounge
POX: Win + Slackware Linux w/o X
by drew@ocf
PLAGUE: Win reinstall + Debian Linux w/o X
by calman@ocf
OUTBREAK: Win + FreeBSD 4.1.1 w/o X
by kenao@ocf
MADCOW: Win reinstall + FreeBSD w/o X
by jeffe@ocf
LOCUSTS: Win + Debian Linux and FULL STARTX and grub
Linux portion by smcc@ocf (elvin archer w/ super-foo)
Last modified: Saturday, 10-Mar-2001 15:13:31 PST