Welcome to our home page. This page will be where reunion information is posted as well as news from the class. There's not a whole lot of information yet, that's why there's not a whole lot of text on the page.
I guess you could say that I'm the techie of the class. :) I'll keep this web page going and I'm also have started an AUHS class of 1996 mailing list. Here's how to subscribe:
1. Send mail to majordomo@listlink.berkeley.edu
2. Leave subject line blank. Write in body, "subscribe auhsgrad96 [your e-mail address]" Don't use the quotes and replace [your e-mail address] with your e-mail address. For example, I would use subscribe auhsgrad96 katster@uclink4.berkeley.edu
If anyone is interested in having a channel on IRC chat, I can set that up too. Right now, if any of you have mIRC, you can go onto DalNet and join #auhs. Detailed instructions will come as soon as I feel like updating this page even more.
If you are a member of Anderson's class of 1996, and you have some news you want put on this page, write me.
Does anybody care that we are the first AUHS graduating class to have a homepage?