March 26, 2005


I went to see the San Jose Stealth play the Anaheim Storm at the HP Pavilion tonight. Since I had never seen a Lacrosse game before I thought it was quite interesting how fast-paced the game is. Also, I noticed it was quite violent since players were pretty much taking a swing at anybody with their sticks, checking people into walls, and periodically putting all their equipment aside to use the good ole' fist.

Anyways, the game was quite exciting since it looked like the Stealth was going to lose 12-13 until the last 32 seconds where they scored a goal to tie the game, and then scored another at 3.9 seconds remaining to win the game 15-14.

Posted by hachu at March 26, 2005 12:19 AM

I just remember that lacrosse guys are cute! =)

Posted by: Anna at March 26, 2005 12:48 PM
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