Please come join us on Wednesday, April 20th, at 6pm in 206 Wheeler for our final General Meeting! We'll be discussing plans for the new semester while noshing on free food. Applications for membership are also due on the 20th, and can be turned in during the meeting or sent through email (contact the officers for more information!).
Welcome new members! Please consider applying for an officer position -- you can gain great leadership experience, make lasting friendships, earn a fancy title, and be part of our great organization! Applications are due on the 20th, either at our General Meeting or through email. Please contact the officers for more information!
The website is currently being renovated, so many of the pages may not be current -- the front page, however, will be kept up to date with our upcoming events. Please be patient with us as we go about trying to make your online Golden Key experience better!
UPDATE: The officers page now reflects the 2010-2011 Board -- photos will go up shortly.