Using SSH (secure shell) to access the OCF servers involves:
1. Downloading SSH
2. Installing SSH
3. Using SSH
Below are step by step instructions for the entire process.
Screen shots have also been taken to make things easier to understand.
If you have already downloaded SSH skip to Step 2.
Step 1: Downloading SSH from
Go to the website and the webpage below should appear.
Then scroll down, look at the blue box to the right (the Windows
platform) and click on the link that says:
SSH Secure Shell

Click on the link that reads:
Download from UCB

Reminder: You must
be a current student to be able to download the program. Click
on the CalNet Authentication button to start the download.

A window will pop up. Enter your student ID and password. Your password is the same as the
Bearfacts password.

After authentication a window will popup prompting you to save
the application file. Click save and remember where you
saved the file.

Once you have the file. Double-click on the file to start the
install process.

Step 2: Installing SSH
This should be the first screen you see when you run the
installation program. Click on the next button to continue.

This screen shows the licensing information. Read at your own
risk. When done click on the Yes button

This screen chooses where to install the SSH program. We suggest
you use the default settings. Click next to continue.

This creates the program menu item. We suggest you use the
default settings. Click next to continue.

This selects components to install. We suggest you install
everything. Click next to continue.

This shows you which components you selected. Just press next.

The computer will then start the installation process. The status
bar will move indicating percentage of completion.

Click finish to finish the installation process.

Step 3: Using SSH
There are two shortcuts on your desktop.
SSH Secure Shell Client
SSH Secure Shell File Tranfer Client
Click on the latter to upload files to your webspace:
SSH Secure Shell File Transfer Client

In the dialog box you can enter your connection information:
Host Name:
User Name: (your user name)
Port Number: 22
Auth... Method: (choose password)

Click Yes

Enter your password. Rmemebering that passwords are case sensative.

You can now upload files to your public_html symlink created by
the makehttp command. If you have not yet run this command. Refer
to it's help page under
setting up your webspace.

You are now all set. Enjoy!