Welcome to The Glass Onion. I'm not quite sure why you're here since you can't really
be coming here to find any real content. Everything on this page is purely
something placed here on a whim. I suppose that's a bit like me, so perhaps that's
Anyways, my personal website began as a little place where I experimented with HTML.
However, I've given up on that hobby for the most part (hence the stark,
boring look of
this page at the moment). Instead I've decided to use my webpage as a place to put up
personal opinions or thoughts in the unlikely event that anyone is interested. =)
My Current Thoughts
- Sigil Games Online
I just interviewed at a Microsoft funded game studio. Oh the moral
dilemma. =( At least the interview went pretty well, so we shall see
what comes of it.
- "Been Away So Long I Hardly Knew The Place...."
I feel like everything has changed since I last posted here. It has
been a few weeks shy of a full year since I last felt motivated and
had the time to post here. We'll see if I start posting here more
regularly again or not. ;)
My former company "let me go" after nearly a year of 70+ hour work
game industry crap. In a sense, though, I'm glad it happened, cuz during
my unemployment, I've gotten to visit Taiwan, Seattle, Boston, and
Washington D.C. Once I start working again, I have no clue when I'll be
able to travel again so I figure now is a good time for it. Depending on
if I find a job soon, I may try visiting northern California again too.
My recent trip to Boston and Washington D.C. was especially awesome cuz
I got to visit two of my favoritest people in the world, Theresa and Lisa.
My period of insane work really made me realize how much I miss them.
I've also realized that I can no longer tolerate having to give up all the
people I care for to work for poorly managed game companies to make
unrealistic deadlines possible.
Of course, if I cannot find such a game company, my only choice will be to
leave the game industry. This will mark the end of a dream, but perhaps
it is time to move on to other dreams.
Rachel Corrie
- She was murdered by an Israeli bulldozer driver while
protesting the demolition of Palestinian homes. She wrote
letters to her family explaining why she was putting her life at
Links Pertaining to Me
Fallout: Brotherhood of Steel
- This is the game we just finished developing at work. We made the gold
master of the American NTSC version back at the end of September.... Due
to the brilliance of the management at Interplay, it looks like we're
going to miss the Christmas season. Wonderful that we busted our butts to
get the game done in time for Christmas and deliver the game on time but
we can't get it on shelves anyways.
Warcraft 3 Stats Page - Pretty self explanatory. More than you ever
wanted to know about my performace with each race or exactly how many
hours I've spent on the game, etc. Here's my stats
for Frozen Throne.
My more bloggy
blog - Not sure if I'll ever take up writing any blog regularly (more
so than I do on this page anyways),
but if I do, this is probably where I'll put it. I like the kuro5hin website quite a bit.
Miscellaneous Stuff I've Written
Here you'll find things that I've written about and found that I had quite a lot to say about the
Who Do I Think I Am?!?! - (modified on 20 August 2001)
Where Did "The Glass Onion" Come From??? - (modified on 27 August
My Sister Candice - (in progress)(modified on 27 August 2001)
Photo Gallery - Just some random pictures I've
taken with my digital camera.
Google Bombs I Like
Interesting Links
Distributed Proofreading - a
great idea to help Project
Gutenberg when you've got a few minutes. For those of you who don't
Project Gutenberg is a non-profit effort to preserve public domain
literary texts by storing them in a digital format (text files).
Distributed Proofreading is an attempt to harness the people on the
internet to help out this effort. Basically, what you end up doing is
looking at a scanned version of a page of the book then fix up the
results that were read in by optical character recognition (OCR) so that
they match what's really written on the page and have some markup (a
bit like HTML) to assist the computers.
http://www.mozilla.org/ - A very good
alternative browser suite that supports just about all operating
systems. I use this and its derivatives exclusively.
http://www.thehungersite.com/ - This
site is great, cuz just by visiting the page and clicking on a button you can
help feed the hungry, fund breast cancer research, or save the rainforest.
Worth a daily visit.
Google's ranking
algorithm - This page is Google's own explanation of how their whole system works.
The whole thing is pretty accurate actually if you don't take it too literally.
Here are some friends' webpages that I personally find quite interesting:
Theresa Chen
Jocelyn Chew
Lisa Ann Hale
Contact Info
I welcome rational debate and comments, so if something I've written has elicited a strong
response from you, I would love to hear what you think. Since there are way too many spambots
out there crawling around looking for e-mail addresses in order to sell them to spam advertisers, I'll
write my e-mail address in human readable form: calin at
myrealbox dot com.
This page was last modified on 29 June 2004.