The Emblem of Proud Knighthood

"The emblem selected for Northwest Classen High School by the students and faculty is the Order of Saint George, one of the most ancient and honorable Orders of Knighthood ever instituted. Some of the greatest personages recorded in history have been enrolled as members of the Most Noble Order of St. George. This Order was founded by King Edward III in 1350.

The star was devised in the second year of King Charles the First Reign. The rays surrounding the Badge form the star, which has been known since as the Order of the Garter.

Miss Jo Ann Garrison, a member of the first graduating class, made the adaptation from an original design, using purple and gold, colors symbolic of Nobility, Achievement and Victory.

The significance of the emblem has inspired the Titles of Knights and Ladies for the Northwest Classen students."

This account is taken from the dedication booklet, dated January 27,1957.

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