• Tbilisi
  • Tbilisi
  • Tbilisi
  • Tbilisi
  • Tbilisi

In Memoriam: Vakhtang Chikovani

Georgian Language through Cultural Context

Traditional Clothing of Western Georgians. Artist N. BrailashviliThe program in Georgian Language and Culture incorporates several areas of study and offers a comprehensive training in the language, literature, folklore, cultural anthropology, and history of the region.

Georgian Language course is the essential part of the program; it is designed primarily for students and postgraduates who are interested in studying non-Indo-European languages and traditional cultures of the Caucasus. The basic textbook for the Georgian course is the Essentials of Georgian Grammar. In addition, the teaching materials include documentaries and slideshows about the history and ethnography of the region.
Traditional Clothing of Georgian Highlanders. Artist N. Brailashvili
The course uses the methods of oral and situational language teaching, elements of task-based pedagogy, and grammar-translation and audio-lingual methods. Rules of grammar are practiced through the texts introduced in the following order: translation exercises and original Georgian short stories, popular folk tales and anthropological essays. Major attention is focused on translating sentences and texts into and out of Georgian. Strong emphasis is given to Traditional Clothing of Eastern Georgians. Artist N. Brailashvili the historical and cultural contexts of the development of Georgian literary tradition and folk culture.

Because of the specific geopolitical position, over the course of its history Georgia has mediated between the European and Asian worlds, between the North and South. Georgian culture, literature, historiography, and art are viewed as reflections of these diverse cultural contacts. The course gives students an opportunity to become acquainted with the language, history, traditions, and contemporary life of Georgia.