To be sure, I didn't make this webpage myself. I was browsing through the free graphics at Full Moon Graphics by miz Kitty, and found her Twinkle Twinkle Little Kitty page way too cute to resist. Not to mention the Cal colors! Go Bears! And even though I've nominally adapted it to myself, it still becomes my customary huge page of words.

I really needed an update in my own webspace. I haven't updated it in over a year?!? I guess so. This here is no substitute for real news about me and life here in my fifth year at Berkeley, but it's neither a year old.

For posterity, that was a link to the old page, which I think I'll keep just the way it is.

I'm completing my last semester at UC Berkeley: doing the anticipated double major in Astrophysics and Cognitive Science, with a minor in Music. I've really gotten a sense of synchronicity in the way that things are converging among my scholarly studies and personal interests. And I have a kitty! Her name is Tyreh Cat. She's an American short-hair tabby. Life is sweet. I can pursue anything I want! I'm free to do anything I really want to do. Except clean my room. The only impossible thing in the world is cleaning my room, else I would've easily accomplished that sometime in the past nine months of trying, right?

My cat is so smart. She knows not to nose for human food until I'm done with eating. When I got her as a kitten, I was entirely adamant about not endangering her to feline health problems via human food. But, she'll want what she wants and get what she wants, delicately. She'll be polite with regard to all kinds of human food except for tuna -- 'cos then she'll maul mommy with no ethics. Her intuition must be exceptionally attuned: she knows to wait (and not annoy me while eating) until there're just crumbs of food or trace vestiges of yogurt left before she claims the bowl or plate for her own. I wouldn't give her more than that, in any event. So smart. Ask me about my kitty!

My job this semester is as a TA for Cognitive Psychology, CogSci 100 / Psych 120B, for which I am also web mistress. "Will teach for money," hee hee hee. I'm excited to be a ugsi (undergraduate student instructor). We're one week into the semester and the course is already different from when I took it. For one thing, this professor (Bill Prinzmetal) is really dynamic. He's a critical thinker who has an incredible capacity to synthesize cogpsych knowledge into wonderful, coherent presentations. He's been a figure in cognitive science since his graduate studies decades (?) ago, and his experience is evident in his poise.

There's something about the combination of classes I'm taking this semester that's changing my bearing towards the psychy aspect of cogsci. In addition to 100, I'm taking Cognitive Neurosci (127) and Music Perception & Cognition (Mus 108, which is really a course to fulfill my Music minor more so than supplement CogSci), and I have yet to encounter that fatalistic attitude wrt institutions, psychy-ness, cognitive constructs, and research interpretations that is so endemic to certain Linguistics and CogSci courses which will remain unnamed. I think I'll have fun this semester :)

I'll work on my webspace as I can. Have fun with the trailing mouse pointer. It's a virtual string! For your inner kitty!



squeak to me


updated Mon, 1 Sept 2003